Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] then [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It 's usually the last Saturday of the half term because then she can have them during the week to practise .
2 Because if I can I 'd rather get it off her than get it out of our club because then I can get some Christmas presents out of their lot .
3 It would 've been best with a bigger piece , bigger programme because then we could 've it was easy to see where we were slipping
4 We know what happened to Judas and his pieces of silver , so do n't turn traitor on your anti-racist fans 'cos then we would n't be able to wear our Morrissey Fans Against The Nazis badges with pride ( Gay , straight or otherwise ) .
5 ‘ Only for a tiny tiny second because then I 'm dashing off to work . ’
6 wait forty five minutes cos then you wan na catch all their er speaking do n't you on a tape ?
7 No you 're alright , cos sometimes you make , you , you know , you 're writing and you need a flow of ten minutes cos then it interrupts and says do you want to save this ?
8 What we do n't know is whether March is a start of a new trend upwards above budget , that 's a different scenario cos then you can say okay , just like we talked about with claims and E W S.
9 He went hastily towards the door ; he did n't want Martin to come into the room because then he might break down and say things about his mother that were best left unsaid .
10 and I keep these little packets in obscure little places because then I remember about them one day
11 Well it 's quite fun just going off for the odd day cos then he goes off to see Ian , he enjoys that but it was two afternoons last week cos I did Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon
12 The oscillators can not be at rest because then they would have exactly defined positions and moments .
13 What I would advise you to do is not use whole sentences in your notes because then you 'll be tempted to read from the notes .
14 As you say it 's the sort of thing that might appeal to people because then they can go and look at their poster .
15 Sometimes Dot wished Gloria would n't answer back to people in authority because then they noticed them more .
16 At the end of the hut a boy waited , sitting hunched on an upper bunk , for darkness to come to the living quarters because then he could go to the mattress of the man who loved him …
17 They caught a glimpse of his robe in the candlelight , but only a glimpse because then he moved into the shadows and it was only by Mordecai 's gestures that they could tell where he was .
18 Be good actually if he does sleep in the bed cos then we can go in the summer .
19 what do you do I mean , your ok you can go to bed , but there 's only a certain amount of hours you can stay in bed cos then you 're wondering and wondering and won so you 're more tired trying to find something to do so we
20 She tried not to think about Finn because then she felt weak and hopeless .
21 So because it er as I said it was a relief to her i were a relief to us as children because then we were n't living in in terror of him coming home and you know causing the bother .
22 Not if you 've turned it that way cos then you wo n't be able
23 And the low tiles cos then you
24 I 've put report down there , cos then you have science , report math 's , report and I put Ralph Gardener Community High School cos then I need space for community .
25 I tend to keep them in the originals cos then I if I need to .
26 It is good to be able to talk to somebody who has experienced the whole spectrum of drugs because then they know what the hell you 're talking about , y'know .
27 It 's especially valuable to get comments on the modules which are in the Programme of Work for that year or the coming year because then we can feed comments from practitioners straight to the Module Development Group .
28 We all want good quality of service to the customer because then we all benefit . ’
29 Anyway , you ca n't not eat breakfast because then you 'd be ill . ’
30 I did n't want the other boys to view us as being mates because then I would probably come in for abuse too .
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