Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pers pn] now " in BNC.

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1 Across the small table in the basement club where they now sat , Rune 's light eyes challenged her statement .
2 If they were now able to hear that story , and be able to make an overall and broad appraisal of that one-time promising religion as it now is , they would be appalled .
3 The closing words of the subsection as it now stands , providing that ‘ in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act ’ seem to me to call unmistakably for the exercise by the local authority of a subjective judgment as to what constitutes suitable accommodation .
4 The modification of the programme had angered Finance Minister Theodor Stolojan and Trade and Industry Minister of State Anton Vatasescu , and on March 20 they had tendered their resignations , complaining that the programme as it now stood was insufficiently radical .
5 It is a good example of construction in masonry though it now possesses only four of the original 22 arches which spanned the river .
6 The rule as it now stands is a contradiction .
7 P C as he then was , P M as he now is gave evidence that he only shouted armed police once .
8 It will maintain a sales and support network in the 150 countries where it now has a presence , but there may be cuts in both Wang employee numbers and the type of facilities it will operate .
9 The president of the society , ninety-five year old Mr T W Ventress , was unable to leave the Whitby nursing home where he now lives to visit the 1987 show which I attended .
10 For some architects , the removal of regulations which both provided guidelines for behaviour and also limited the areas in which competition existed has provided a stimulus since they now feel able to compete more efficiently in a less restricted arena .
11 What is needed is a relaxation of the law as it now stands to allow the controlled admission of children to certain pubs at certain times of day .
12 He asked Office minister David Mellor whether he still wished or instructed local authorities to enforce the law as it now stands .
13 ‘ Community law as it now stands … does not preclude a member state , in authorising one of its vessels to fish against national quotas , from laying down conditions designed to ensure that the vessel has a real economic link with that state if that link concerns only the relations between that vessel 's fishing operations and the populations dependent on fisheries and related industries ; …
14 Thereafter , clause 54 was not the subject of further debate and passed into law as it now stands as section 63 of the Act .
15 The British Rail scheme would certainly cost less than the old plan as it now proposed a single-track tunnel , not a twin tunnel .
16 So whilst I 'm not seeking to change the the the Greater York I E within the greenbelt requirement as we now define it , the the supply side of the equation is bound to change because the commitments figures will be different given the revised area of analysis .
17 ‘ But , ’ Husband went on , ‘ we have to deal with matters as they now stand .
18 Yet in casual conversation with the wife of a working colleague , Jean discovers that-Peter is just the same at the computer business where he now works as a systems manager .
19 Bayfield says the US business can remain profitable at lower volumes because it now has a reduced cost base .
20 In the light , therefore , of the deteriorating performance of capitalist economies and the chorus of criticism which has emerged of the market economy , it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that something important has begun to go wrong with capitalism as we now know it .
21 Well I must say Mr Mayor I was gratefully assured by the answer that councillor gave earlier on about the er strenuous efforts the council is making to improve the security at the Kingsway cash point as I now gather it 's called .
22 The prudish Victorians attempted to divert attention from the overtly sexual nature of weddings and invented the cake as we now know and probably dislike it .
23 Perhaps we might then be concerned with issues such as the relative merits of explanations that appeal to behavioural drives and those that appeal to ideological struc-tures ; but the problem of holism as we now know it would simply not exist .
24 In January 1975 the contract for the buildings as they now stand was awarded to Messrs A A Quinn of Tandragee at a price of £54932 .
25 The reason we want regionalisation is that we are the only country within the European Community as it now stands , bar Luxembourg and Ireland , not to have regional Government , regional co-ordination of our economic policies and a proper role for the regions to link across Europe .
26 He is modernity as it now exists in that part of the world .
27 They are more illuminating than compelling ; they show the operatic paraphrase in the hands of one of its most experienced practitioners , using as their basis music that will often have been more familiar to the listeners of its day than they now are to us ( there are some obvious exceptions on this CD ) ; and one can see why they were so successful at the time , even if they now seem slightly shallow set alongside the giants that selective history has chosen to remember .
28 Thus set unc where b ε J. If we now , according to 1.11.1 substitute a for x in each side of the above equality we obtain unc from which one easily sees [ if one thinks carefully what the symbols mean ] that f(a) = b .
29 The draw cost Norwich crucial points in the championship race and assistant manager John Deehan said : ‘ It would have been nice to close that gap at the top because we now find ourselves a bit adrift .
30 Probably they had cone to see Yakovlev , or Thiercelin as he now called himself , to report on him .
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