Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pron] hold " in BNC.

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1 his face looked at his navel where he held
2 Much interest was shown in Medau at a recent ‘ Come and Try It ’ day at Nede House , East Grinstead where we held our own alongside aerobic sessions , soroptomists demonstrations , ballet .
3 A chemical engineer , his career with BP started in 1969 at Kent refinery where he held numerous technical and operational posts before its closure in 1982 .
4 Then there is the 39-member-strong Royal Society of Portrait Paints which operates from the Mall Galleries where it holds its annual exhibition .
5 But this would now seem directed against the invalid so I hold back , thinking , in two years I will be at the comprehensive and only five years after that — providing I pass the scholarship exam , which I easily should — I 'll be at boarding school , and then I 'll be free , free to scratch and do whatever I like .
6 The idea of settling Jews in Palestine , the British Foreign Office cabled two of its ambassadors in 1916 , ‘ might be made far more attractive to the majority of Jews if it held out to them the prospect that when in course of time the Jewish colonists in Palestine grew strong enough to cope with the Arab population they may be allowed to take the management of the internal affairs of Palestine … into their own hands …
7 Well I put me clothes out at twelve o'clock , I says to Linda if it holds out for a couple
8 You too can eat with the animals if you hold your reception at the Zoological Gardens in London 's Regents Park .
9 Following a very rough crossing from Portsmouth during which I slept very little it dawned on me that we were on our own in a Renault van which was half a ton overweight , had a top speed of 60 mph , an up-hill speed of 40 mph provided you had a run at it , jumped out of fourth gear unless you held it in position and we had 1850 miles to go !
10 In all the houses , a burned , ashy sediment had been piled up around some of the cooking-holes while they held containers , and this sediment was particularly rich in plant remains .
11 Actually she lights her torch at one of the candles in the church and somebody runs her up here in a car while she holds the torch out of the window .
12 ‘ Yes … yes , it 's been a long day , ’ she admitted , her cheeks flushing and her heart beginning to beat in a crazy rhythm as he held her tightly against his hard , tall figure for a moment .
13 She was n't even aware of having spoken the words aloud until she saw his face tauten with some undefinable emotion as he held her from him .
14 There were tears in Cynthia 's eyes as she held the thin , wasted body of her adored sister in her arms .
15 Tears sprang into Adele Duncan 's eyes as she held out her hands .
16 He smiled to soften the order , but there was no mistaking the glint of determination in his dark eyes as he held her firmly in front of him .
17 Then he visited his friends — too often for their good for he held to his heathenism with all the tenacity with which he had clung to his beloved Wallowa Valley ’ .
18 He was petrified with fear as I held my knife in front of him .
19 Another smile played about his lips as he held out her dress .
20 Each touch of each finger seemed to burn through her sweat-shirt , and her insides gave the most awful lurch as he held her easily above the floor , his eyes fixed steadily on hers .
21 She felt a deep , sensual pleasure as she held his leaping , quivering manhood in check , but the heat of him was so dangerously exciting that she arched herself in mute supplication , begging him to give her the release that her body craved .
22 Rain lifted each and saw how the dark blobs of their shadows stretched to magnified shapes as she held and turned them .
23 Credit Line — the option of an agreed overdraft limit of up to £5,000 ( up to £10,000 if you hold a Midland Gold Card ) at preferential interest rates .
24 He is stuck with this answer to the second question because he holds ( as does Hare , but not Ayer ) that what one is saying about something when one calls it x is identical with one 's reason for calling it x .
25 It did n't like it at first , and moved and beat against the sides of the plastic and the neck of the can while I held it and sweated , listening to the hum of the insects and the rustling of the grass , staring at Blyth as he lay there still and silent , his dark hair ruffled now and again by the breeze .
26 In the latter case , the registrar is bound to register the transfer as he holds the land certificate ( in contrast to the charge certificate , which is held by the mortgagee ) unless there is a restriction on the proprietorship register requiring the consent of the mortgagee to such transfer .
27 /In the dress rehearsal when he held out the ring to her she took his pulse .
28 In the dress rehearsal when she held out her finger for the ring he took her pulse .
29 In those circumstances , under the law as I hold it , it seems to me that rent is payable at the full rate for the quarters ending September 29 and December 25 , 1945 .
30 Theda was just able to prevent her mouth falling open , but her eyes widened , and her voice trembled on the veriest hint of laughter as she held out her hand .
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