Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] that a " in BNC.

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1 On 17 December , its officials woke to radio bulletins announcing that a bill to ban all remaining forms of tobacco advertising had , in the small hours , finally passed through both houses of the federal parliament with the support of all parties .
2 There is some authority for saying that the ‘ sufficient interest ’ test applies to such actions ; but there are also dicta suggesting that a stricter rule should apply to such actions on the ground that leave is not required to bring actions begun by writ or originating summons .
3 In these subjects the OR continued to occur at a high level throughout training , a result suggesting that a stimulus that fails to predict its consequences reliably will continue to receive some form of processing .
4 As I have told my hon. Friend before , I do not think that there has ever been any prospect of any member of the European Community or of the United Nations believing that a United Nations or a Western European Union peace-keeping force could force its way into Yugoslavia against the opposition either of the Yugoslav national army — the JNA — or of any armed force .
5 Last night , a notice from the rugby club appeared in foyer of the social club stating that a ‘ substantial offer ’ had been made by a supermarket chain to purchase the whole ground .
6 The plaintiff issued a writ against the defendant claiming that a breach of confidence had occurred .
7 We have presented data showing that a significant proportion of granulomatous tissues from patients with sarcoidosis contain M tuberculosis DNA ( p<0.01 ) .
8 A public notice has been published under the Insolvency Act sating that a bankruptcy order had been made against owners Peter and Anne Taylor .
9 In February 1987 a mass petition was presented to the Queen asking that a referendum be held in Northern Ireland to determine whether the agreement should continue .
10 If the parents do not know what has happened they should either not interfere in the upset or equally attribute blame knowing that a row can not happen without two parties being involved .
11 And the meeting of the ACTS ' Central Council has recently had a report from its local and regional unity er committee proposing that a network of regional ecumenical teams should be established throughout Scotland to further the cooperation and joint commitment of congregations and church members in each area .
12 There has been a proposal from the CCPR Movement and Dance Divisional Meeting suggesting that a joint mailing list of participants in Movement and Dance would generate some 100,000 people .
13 The Sun published a front page lead stating that a Labour London borough had banned the teaching of Baa Baa Black Sheep as racist .
14 Balanced against this view one might consider the limited liability offered through trading as a company so advantageous in the event of the business failing that a company is the preferred form of trading .
15 The median sweat spot test score was 9.53 in patients and 13.92 in controls ( p=0.0001 ) , the receiver operating characteristic curve showing that a score of 12 delimited normal and abnormal subjects .
16 TRANMERE Rovers go into tomorrow 's Football League annual meeting hoping that a move to prevent clubs playing on a Friday evening is defeated .
17 Shortly afterwards Dawes wrote to the Board complaining that a flag had been hoisted at the workhouse on the occasion of his leaving .
18 Perhaps the most entertaining tale came late afternoon , with anonymous telephone calls stating that a nosey employee of Marks & Spencer ( down 1 at 329p ) having been called in to deputy chairman Clinton Silver 's office , saw a piece of paper suggesting the retailer was set to bid the debt-laden supermarket group , Asda ( off ½ at 31p ) .
19 The " vulgar tongue " abounded with colloquialisms suggesting that a particular term conferred a legitimacy which would have been made questionable by a more generalised synonym for stealing .
20 In the matter of stop-and-search powers and cautioning decisions there is evidence suggesting that a disproportionate amount of black young males are stopped by the police .
21 Is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that a person under the age of 18 should not have joined his unit in the Gulf ?
22 However , is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that a system of local income tax would not create economic ghettos and areas in which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the local Labour authority would have carte blanche without capping — something which he will not allow and which will have to be dealt with through exemptions ?
23 Winnie the Pooh by AA Milne ANGELO ABELA ( father of Lucia , 2 ) Why Weeps the Brogan ? by Hugh Scott ( Walker Books , £7.95 ) A nuclear disaster leaves Saxon and Gilbert believing that a buried museum is their world and that beyond its great doors lies only dust and darkness .
24 Fords won their appeal , the court holding that a new car which is damaged but then repaired so as to be ‘ as good as new ’ can still be regarded as new .
25 Two days of ministerial talks on the shared use of the waters of the Ganges , Tista and other common rivers ended in Dhaka on Aug. 25 , a joint communiqué stating that a Joint Committee of Experts ( JCE ) was being established .
26 He came home one day reporting that a " gym shoe " was used to administer punishment and that it was very painful .
27 Is my hon. Friend saying that an alternative method of crossing should be provided for each and every one ?
28 One day I received a note from the Indian High Commissioner saying that a press cable had been delivered to him which was obviously meant for me , and he therefore sent it on .
29 He added : ‘ Experts testified at the three day hearing that a simple course of anti-biotics would have saved my daughter 's life .
30 The decision followed a 10-year legal battle which had begun with the filing of a suit claiming that a prefectural assembly resolution urging visits to the shrine by the heads of government and state was unconstitutional .
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