Example sentences of "[noun] [det] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not everyone has the drive , ability , energy or inclination to aim for the top — and of course that goes for both men and women .
2 This view of the structurally determined nature of thought and action , and the difficulty this posed for the representatives of the working class when using a formally neutral state to serve ends other than those of capitalism , was one of the major insights which underpinned Ralph Miliband 's seminal book of the 1960s , The State in Capitalist Society .
3 Of course this works for other dimensions too ; it 's the D/T radio that 's important .
4 More important still is the opportunity this provides for introducing DNA into cells and protoplasts , in order to alter the characteristics of the plants grown on from them .
5 This regulation was exploited by over 1,000 pro-Indian individuals and organizations each applying for the opportunity to participate in the hearings and thereby assist Harper in delaying a vote .
6 Given that many of these theories require extremely detailed specifications of grammar rules and lexical entries this has for a long time formed an obstacle to the production of general systems .
7 The knock-on effect this had for me , which was quite important , was that I would otherwise have had an education slot for social policy issues .
8 In practice this means for men .
9 In the distance , a band was playing , though the music was drowned by the lusty yells of porters and traders all plying for business .
10 But in world judo at present , there is a group of young fighters all jockeying for the top positions — and in the first day of the World Championships here yesterday , they began to sort themselves out .
11 National , Rickenbacker , Gibson and a hundred other manufacturers all went for lap-steel production in a big way .
12 Spanish , Chinese , French , Indian , and McDonalds all vie for attention against English-run establishments .
13 Lion-hearted Nigel does n't worry about the high-speed horrors of blasting around a concrete oval , six inches from a wall at up to 240 mph with 30 other drivers all battling for the same space — and no runoffs if you crash .
14 by no means all were sufficiently attractive for jewellery and in practice those used for this purpose were mainly stones of red colour , notably blood-red pyropes and dark red almandines .
15 She was n't sure how she had expected him to react to her announcement — gratitude or admiration might have been a bit much to hope for , she acknowledged wryly , but even a faint hint of relief would have been something .
16 This should be a general sharing of Christian Aid experiences in Scotland introduced by say , four persons , from Scotland each speaking for about ten minutes on a particular aspect of their experience .
17 Even for the optimists this allowed for unemployment rates of up to 8 per cent .
18 It has been argued that in most mining areas the strong sense of ‘ community ’ stems from the overwhelming importance of the coal-mining industry in the area and from the shared experiences this produces for male miners .
19 F. This stands for forward pricing and indicates that investors can be given no firm price before the transaction takes place .
20 Wrexham , Shotton , Flint and Rhyl are travel-to-work areas all qualifying for grant aid under a European Regional Objective designed to revive run-down industrial areas .
21 The tiger-stripe silk velvet seats on Queen Anne walnut chairs , the leopard carpet , and the monumental tusks of elephants Winston bagged before the war and which now dominate the hall all combine for an effect that is whimsical rather than opulent .
22 The inside of the locker was a mosaic of photos : naked women , a team picture of Liverpool FC and a couple of postcards all vied for attention .
23 Yet the cases which fail to set up trusts all fail for the same good reason : because they do not make clear an intention on the part of the settlor that a trustee should be legally obliged to a beneficiary .
24 substitutes a single law for a proliferation of national laws and thus within the given field dispenses with the need to resort to conflict-of-laws rules and the opportunity these give for forum shopping ;
25 On Nov. 13 the UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd told the House of Commons that warrants for the arrest of the two Libyans had been issued by Lord Fraser , Scotland 's Lord Advocate .
26 In contrast Soviet leaders committed themselves , at least until the late 1980s , to the maintenance of a Marxist dominated pro-Soviet regime in Kabul , to the ‘ irreversibility ’ of the process of ‘ revolutionary development ’ in Afghanistan , with the future political and strategic implications this entailed for South Asia and the Persian Gulf .
27 Nevertheless , the rapid uptake of the technology , with the implications this has for very substantial job displacement in some sectors , even if matched in the longer term by job creation elsewhere , is highly likely to create further problems for the economy and for society to handle .
28 In this paper , I want to look at one kind of way in which some feminists have tried to conceptualise what it is for a woman to be ‘ autonomous ’ , and at the implications this has for ways of thinking about the human self .
29 It is however not in curriculum thinking that Fullan 's major contribution is to be found , but rather in the issues he raises about the nature of change as a process in educational terms , and the implications these have for managers in the service .
30 The first thing to establish however is the pattern of differences in pay and employment prospects for different segments of the labour force and the implications these have for assessing the extent of lifetime employment .
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