Example sentences of "[noun] [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Owner Stewart Tarratt said : ‘ There were several burglaries that night and I think the thief just stopped here for a meal break . ’
2 The London computer and the Hong Kong computer each hold and run a copy of the SunAccount application software .
3 Hamilton was at the heart of our defence that day and every one of them were heroes , but it was Hamilton who subdued Jimmy Trotter ( later the manager of Charlton ) who was Wednesday 's most dangerous forward .
4 The service is something special and I might as well spend my money that way as any other .
5 he says for cost price , our Kim says well it were a lot of money that bed and we 've only just got it
6 She occasionally did style her hair that way and , since she had never so much as dreamt of meeting Ven when she 'd purchased her black dress , no one could suggest that she had bought it with him in mind .
7 Is not it time that the Government took on board that question and began to tackle the problem of loan sharks positively ?
8 Nothing more could be done on the case that evening and they had cause to hope it was nearing its end .
9 I was told that the wind was blowing in a different direction that day and that this smog ( caused by the local power station ) always occurred when this happened .
10 Our takings went up by a few shillings each week and pretty soon we had to expand and move the kitchens upstairs , where Malc 's Mom made our famous home-made pies ' .
11 I think you can have more freedom that way and be more imaginative — interpret material in different ways .
12 This pleased his Peripatetic opponents who asserted with Aristotle that sinking or floating was merely a matter of shape .
13 Billy Connolly socialist people all switched on to watch that programme because they like Billy Connolly it .
14 The question is , as you rightly say , in psychoanalysis , the analyst usually has a vast amount much more than people normally realize , I mean , I recall from my own analysis , and mean I was going between two and four times a week erm , for an hour each time and it was a good six months before she would make any interpretations , and I used to get very frustrated , you know , I used to say things like , well , what do you think of this , Miss , you know .
15 It reads forms you know we read forms that way cos normally
16 ½ lb self-raising flour and ¼ ; lb suet scant 1 tsp baking powder and 1½ tsp cinnamon 2 fl oz each milk and water , mixed ¾ ; lb kumquats , washed and pricked about 5 times each 6 oz chilled and diced butter 5 oz granulated sugar
17 2 oz each lard and butter 4 oz each plain and wholemeal flour 2½ tbsp orange juice to bind
18 3 oz each sultanas and raisins 2oz each currants and flaked almonds ¼ ; pt hot tea plus 2 tbsp brandy or rum a good pinch each of cinnamon and allspice the finely grated zest of 1 orange
19 4 oz each butter and pale muscovado sugar 3–4 oz chopped walnut pieces 1 tsp cinnamon and 2 tbsp Camp coffee essence 2 large eggs and 4 oz self-raising flour ¼ ; tsp bicarbonate of soda dissolved in ½ tsp warm water
20 2 oz each lard and butter 4 oz each plain and wholemeal flour 2½ tbsp orange juice to bind
21 He says a mutual friend phoned to say he 'd met Mr. Cratchley in the car park that morning and he realised that Mr. Cratchley had booked into our property in France .
22 I went to see a friend in Regent 's Park that evening but she was n't there , so I climbed the railings into the park , crossed the grass , and settled under an oak tree …
23 Of course some people do n't go for recording the guitar that way because they think you lose the dynamics .
24 How much would it cost if fair compensation were paid to the standard rate taxpayer each year if that were to be done ?
25 After a few months of doing this several times each day and night , most of us could plot at the same speed as the information came in on the teleprinter .
26 The ESRC Data Archive Bulletin appears three times each year and is distributed to approximately 5000 readers in the United Kingdom and beyond .
27 To determine the probabilities of the bigrams and trigrams a count is made of how many times each bigram and trigram occurs in the corpus .
28 His initiative in calling together the World Religions at Assisi and his message to the annual meeting of World Religions each year since Assisi shows how important he considers interreligious understanding and co-operation .
29 He noticed in himself a definite tendency to swagger as he walked around the camp that morning and he had tried consciously to suppress it .
30 Tights , which Jane had to pay for herself , were made of thickish cotton and fastened with a coin each side and taped .
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