Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] but was " in BNC.

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1 Storrie fled but was later traced to Blackpool .
2 The National Executive Council resigned but was re-appointed on an interim basis pending the selection by Soglo of a transitional government .
3 The alarmed Body fled but was captured and murdered .
4 He wanted things done but was neither interested in nor concerned with the way they were achieved .
5 There was then a complex discussion of reflexes which both Millers enjoyed but was n't all that easy to follow for the uninitiated .
6 The gig continued but was effectively overshadowed by the possibility of impending disaster and it was n't until the encores of ‘ William , It Was Really Nothing ’ , ‘ Heaven Knows I 'm Miserable Now ’ and ‘ Barbarism Begins At Home ’ that they slipped into the comfort of early promise .
7 Woollen cloth led but was increasingly supplemented by a wider range of manufactured goods as well as by re-exports of tobacco , sugar and dyes .
8 It had been established nearly thirty years in the Chiweshe reserve , an area of land for African development , fifty miles north of the capital city , Salisbury.The quality of the land varied but was mainly second class .
9 One crew member ejected but was later found drowned , the other did not eject and died in the crash .
10 We should , as our French guest realised but was too polite to say , have eaten in lovely hilltop Gassin where vine-hung terrace restaurants offered menus gastronomiques and very chic settings for around £20 per head .
11 He envisaged modern states as becoming increasingly embroiled in the reproduction of a fit and healthy workforce ; a service which capitalist enterprises needed but was itself unable or unwilling to undertake .
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