Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] turn their " in BNC.

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1 Black European residents , especially those denied civic rights , as in Germany and France , will be the main victims of the recent elections , as all the parties have turned their backs on the need to make Europe welcome for all its inhabitants , not just white ones .
2 When Reid ( 1986 ) identified seven causes of disruptive behaviour ( underachievement , the family , links between school and parents , peer group relationships , the gulf between the general public and teachers , schooling per se and teachers ) , I believe that he highlighted the very issues schools need to turn their attention to and over which they might have significant influence .
3 But at its heart , the message is a simple one ; the people of Israel have turned their backs on God ; they are guilty of the sin of apostasy .
4 However , when government and international planning agencies have turned their attention to the specific problem of " development for women " , it has been almost exclusively in terms of population control .
5 In his report Prof Friel outlines development plans for the waterfront along the River Foyle , a beautiful natural asset which he claims the people of Derry have turned their backs on .
6 Seeking more succulent vegetation , many herbivores have turned their attention to higher sources of food in the shrubs and trees of woodlands and forests .
7 The popularity of religious cult communities reveals the extent to which many people have turned their backs on the family .
8 All decent people have turned their backs on the men of violence , he said in a BBC interview , comment on feelings in Ireland following the IRA 's Warrington bombing .
9 Gouramis have turned their pelvic fins into long thread-like feelers with which they explore the water ahead of them and , at breeding times , caress their mates .
10 So sensitive lefty souls have turned their faces away and taken to calling themselves ‘ Britons . ’
11 Other critics have turned their attention to the order of the main classes in DC .
12 In neglecting this overt symbol of statehood and hereditary privilege , social scientists have turned their back upon an important puzzle : how can the British public simultaneously cherish their heritage of hereditary privilege and their heritage of parliamentary democracy ?
13 This is the reason why in recent years theorists have turned their attention back to the question of the historicity of historical understanding , to its status as interpretation , representation or narrative , and , more radically , to the problem of temporality as such .
14 Language understanding also involves being able to relate the information in successive sentences , which is why psycholinguists have turned their attention to discourse interpretation , that is , to the comprehension of whole passages rather than single sentences .
15 Florence publishers have turned their attention almost exclusively to their home territory .
16 NATO countries say that they do not want a ‘ dual key ’ arrangement , in which an officer from the US and the host country have to turn their keys simultaneously before a weapon can be launched .
17 Now the Lindsays have turned their attention to two major Dovřák Quartets and the same qualities shine through .
18 Keith Richardson says it the game showed a lot of encouragement for the cherry and whites … if anything Gloucester had the edge … and with a little more luck it could have gone their way … confidence is not quite there and Gloucester have to turn their pressure into points …
19 Now , he and his colleagues have turned their backs on Ian Salisbury 's leg spin .
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