Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [is] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What the Russians want is technical help and equipment , now our own industry is in decline er yes , particularly in machine tool industry , and I think the first thing we should do is to go over there and see what it is they actually needed , what they actually need right now , er one of your previous er correspondence , er speaker turned round and said well they 've got half finished buildings and things like that , I mean er , people have got to be put to work because people in co-ordinate employment is the only source of real wealth , but the market economy is n't interested in promoting real wealth , I mean it 's only interested in what it can get out of an economy not what it gives .
2 ‘ Anyone who is concerned that environmental issues are not getting sufficient hearing in the campaign and wants to know where the main candidates stand is welcome to attend . ’
3 This illusion of realism can be the result either of the text 's conformity to the rules of the genre ( which Todorov associates with classicism ) or with ‘ what readers believe is true ’ ( which he associates with naturalism ) .
4 The fact that such apparently simple management methods work is astonishing to some parents .
5 If what Pascal , Butler , Newman and Browning say is true , then there will always be a degree of uncertainty about whether God exists that reflects an absence of proof .
6 This society 's accounting policy on provisions is that ‘ provisions are made to reduce the value of loans and advances to the amount which the directors consider is likely to be ultimately received ’ .
7 ‘ Once the production opened and the showed the allegations were totally groundless we are left with a production that parents know is suitable for children and no one can take that publicity away . ’
8 Inspection of graph ( b ) shows that with a given money supply of £50 million , equilibrium is achieved when the transactions demand is equal to £30 million .
9 This is a level which the directors believe is sustainable and which will allow room for growth in the future as the underlying profitability of the Group recovers .
10 This response of J's to the explicit time reference ( to " a day " ) embedded in the Creole part of B's turn is independent evidence of its salience for the other participants .
11 It was included in small amounts in tonics as a stimulant , a practice that all modern pharmacology texts agree is useless and possibly dangerous .
12 It is possible so to violate the state of marriage , specifically by adultery , that in those circumstances divorce is conceivable and permissible .
13 What small companies need is relevant advice
14 Former Israeli premier Begin is dead
15 Contemporaries in sport and coaches exert the main influences and the family 's role in the sports process is redundant .
16 And , as I have pointed out , its part in the sports process is non-existent — unless it acts as a deterrent .
17 Sports coach is new envoy for Russians
18 Watching plants grow is fun .
19 Ms Cornell could not say how long the approvals process is likely to take .
20 This achievement shows a superb standard of golf and the finals match is fitting competition for the Club 's 80th year .
21 A negligently runs over B , who is then run over by C. C's action is unlikely to break the chain of causation , as this is a risk to which A 's negligence exposed B. But if C stole B 's wallet , the court would be unlikely to find A liable , as this was not a risk to which A had exposed B.
22 The visible link with the past that old buildings give is important both as a fascinating insight into history and as an expression of the relative permanence of civilized society .
23 A study of Dalcroze Eurythmics from which such ideas emanate is valuable , but the practice must be used with discretion if the resultant ballet is not to resemble an examination of machinery rather than a feeling fur the rhythm and shape of the engine that makes the dancers perform .
24 But the effect left in the mind by this UK and USA reservation is unfortunate : it suggests , rightly or wrongly , that these nuclear powers are prepared to support the most elaborate codification limiting the use of conventional force , but at the same time want to keep their hands completely free so far as nuclear weapons use is concerned .
25 This confusion about what social workers do is important .
26 Archives and museums keep objects that hold information and they store information about the entities ( i.e. objects ) they hold , but whether they can be said to hold knowledge in the same way libraries do is debatable .
27 Mr Dare 's nice — not a bit parochial … ’
28 In ( he eyes of professional economists barter is primitive , money currency sophisticated .
29 The way in which some of the subsidies work is ludicrous , but had we been there at the beginning , we might have been able to reform it so that it could work to our advantage .
30 It does not necessarily follow from this , however , that an economy in which large firms predominate is inefficient on balance .
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