Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 Some stock , such as technical reports and back issues of periodicals , will be housed away from Aviation House , and the CAA suggest telephoning on 0293 573725 to check for availability before making a journey to Gatwick .
2 Fidelity ( 0800 414161 ) has produced guides explaining the tax savings to be made by using a roll-up fund ; the opportunities cover investing on behalf of a child , supplementing your income , retiring or working abroad , approaching retirement , investments made by a non-working spouse and investing on behalf of your company .
3 Royalties vary depending on the perceived value of the artist to the record company .
4 But many shops continue trading on Sundays as they maintain they are entitled to open under the 1957 Treaty of Rome .
5 But the deal must be seen to be fair to all farmers in the United Kingdom because their circumstances vary depending on the country and the area in which they farm .
6 While awaiting the views of the European Court , will my right hon. Friend bear in mind the fact that Presbyterians in Scotland enjoy shopping on Sundays and that has not been detrimental to those who wish to attend church ?
7 Actually , a paean to half-hearted amateurishness , in which all but two members of the cast of A Midsummer Night 's Dream go missing on opening night , leaving the other parts to be taken by the stage manager , the company manager , a stagehand , and the prima donna 's boyfriend .
8 The enthalpy changes that occur during a chemical reaction or phase change vary depending on temperature , pressure and the physical states of the substances involved .
9 Bakery workers begin voting on series of one-day strikes .
10 These targets vary depending on the particular approach of the agency and practitioner .
11 A personalized Technotile court can be laid in a day for about £1,000 ; players ' fees , seating and catering costs vary depending on requirements .
12 So long as the fish enjoy feeding on this natural food , it is worth continuing the practice .
13 Others are virtually indistinguishable from the flowers with which they associate — so much so that smaller insects keep settling on them .
14 This book should be available from the LEA and with LMS its provisions remain binding on governors unless overridden by those of the Pay & Conditions Documents .
15 New figures show spending on social security in Britain will rise by nearly fourteen billion pounds by the turn of the century even if unemployment falls .
16 Prices for Enterprise File Managers vary depending on the size and capacities of mainframes and storage subsystems required .
17 These provisions vary depending on the nature of your work — a building site is obviously different from an office .
18 Instantly the wheels begin turning on this deal , my enthusiasm wanes .
19 ‘ Well , ’ said the executive , ‘ if things keep going on the way they are , I 'll be there some day catching for that guy and I want to make sure I know his curves . ’
20 But the pleasure is always the same — grand scenery , stunning settings and the wonderful way that holds keep appearing on great slabs of bland-looking rock .
21 The two bureaucrats lay drowsing on the port and starboard cockpit seats .
22 The tormented troubadour lets rip in Glasgow with God Machine supporting on all three nights .
23 A number of the Take-over Panel rules prohibit trading on the basis of inside information .
24 GRAEME STEWART finds opinions differ depending on the size of firm represented
25 As to the former , the usual procedural rules apply depending on whether proceedings are commenced in the High Court or county court .
26 While I agree that worm watching will probably never catch on as a mass pursuit , something well known here in Cornwall is to observe seagulls tap dancing on the lawn after rain .
27 Sealions have departed for cooler waters and in some places seals lie dying on the rocks in their fur coats .
28 When the oratory is finished the ladies begin dancing on the floor of the arena ; after some time the Ngwazi descends to join the dancing , fly whisk waving merrily , and for at least an hour joins in the celebration .
29 Some of the college girls allow petting on a date , but I do n't know anyone who 's actually done it , other than married people , of course , but they do n't tell you about it . ’
30 My Mbuna keep flicking on the sand , heater , pump and sides of the tank — not constantly , but quite often .
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