Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 Classifications of institutions appear in many places .
2 Bullying , boredom , fear , hopelessness about the future and lengthy hours of isolation lie behind many prison suicides , factors which are all amenable to management changes in the prison service .
3 Black teacher groups are becoming more common , and supplementary schools exist in many cities , but support groups for black students within schools are not usually on the list of policy priorities .
4 Moorhens live on many canals .
5 Near Teheran primroses come in many colours while here in Britain you very occasionally find one with double flowers , or with one set of petals inside another .
6 The children in our schools come from many cultures and as teachers we try to introduce materials into the classroom that reflect their backgrounds .
7 British industry , the City of London , most of what used to be called Fleet Street , and the economic spokesmen for all the political parties have for many years spoken with one voice on this matter : what Britain required , they all said , was a large , secure home market in which it was possible to benefit from economies of scale comparable to those enjoyed by the Japanese and the Americans .
8 Third , the personnel function within many companies was becoming more complex , with recruiting seen as increasingly time-consuming .
9 But then Saunderson and Gray differ in many respects .
10 That headaches can follow arguments and diarrhoea may appear in anticipation of some unusual event is well known but the role that the emotions play in many if not most illnesses is rarely appreciated .
11 Major companies call on many of the world 's leading photographers and designers .
12 ‘ My mother was a maid in Crystal Springs House for many years , and I used to come here sometimes as a child .
13 Field trials have for many years been concerned with finding a clone less susceptible to frost and this was initially seen as a way of upgrading some of the frost-prone vineyards of the Marne Valley which are traditionally planted with the hardier Pinot Meunier .
14 The hotelier or catering manager will in the course of his or her work enter into many different legal relationships with other parties .
15 Some European and Middle Eastern countries have for many years responded to the resultant labour shortages by " importing " immigrant labour to perform relatively menial and unskilled tasks .
16 Systems effects have in many cases knock-on effects , even though they were providing care , providing new services for perhaps just 6 people .
17 Speechreading/lip-reading groups meet in many towns ; the instructors , methods , aims and meeting-places vary .
18 The frontiers of chemistry lie in many directions erm the frontiers of chemistry , of course , meet the frontiers of physics and the frontiers of biology .
19 Generally , then , Marx 's ideas seem to many people to have been ‘ disproved ’ by twentieth-century developments .
20 The reasons for purchase given by Clio buyers contrast in many ways with the average for the supermini segment .
21 Such costs compare with many tens of billions of dollars a year saved in wages and productivity which would have been lost due to sickness caused by air pollution and for the annual benefits ( reduced medical treatment ; less damage to buildings , crops and forests ) to the nation as a whole of a less polluted society .
22 Boards come in many different sizes , colours and materials .
23 Conservationists have for many years been predicting the catastrophic consequences of a major oil spill in Arctic or Antarctic seas , and in early 1989 , their worst fears were realised .
24 Lincoln Brower has shown that birds learn to avoid aposematic prey after very few ‘ trials ’ ( usually less than five ) , while Mariam Rothschild at Cambridge University has produced clear evidence that birds remember for many months to associate particular colour patterns in prey , with distasteful experiences .
25 Explosive problems remain in many of Britain 's prisons — a higher number of lifers , often with strong political faiths , who have nothing left to lose ; overcrowding which forces men to sleep three to a cell and understaffing which weakens security .
26 The mill still manages to retain an air of tranquillity about it and , despite its continuing commercial use , the area around the mill plays host to many wild birds and animals .
27 During the summer season , Blackpool plays host to many events sports championships ( bowls , water polo ) , vintage car run and , more improbably , ‘ the best bus driver of the year ’ competition .
28 In addition to its research activities the department plays host to many visiting scholars and speakers .
29 These conditions touch on many aspects of our national life : health threatened by overcrowded and insanitary homes ; education retarded when children have no room in which to do homework , or arrive tired at school after sleeping in a room with several others ; marriages broken up through the strain of sharing a home or making do in cramped and uncomfortable quarters ; Borstal institutions , remand homes and approved schools filled by the products of an unhappy home life .
30 The methods used in statistics depend on many branches of mathematics and their implementation requires extensive use of computers but the subject has its own logical concepts and theory .
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