Example sentences of "[noun] [det] had [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At Great Casterton I had suddenly discovered that this process held a hidden danger and that in the future this had to be avoided at all costs .
2 The knock-on effect this had for me , which was quite important , was that I would otherwise have had an education slot for social policy issues .
3 Mary had lost both parents , her husband and two children within the space of ten years , and had not had the opportunity to acknowledge any of the effect this had on her .
4 You can imagine the effect this had on me .
5 How much effect this had on the final outcome of the war is hard to say .
6 One can imagine the effect this had on an elderly mother .
7 Many of the experimental perturbations involved rearranging or removing the parts of the early embryo and seeing what effect this had on the embryo 's development .
8 Weber saw capitalism as characterised by an emphasis on work and activity and highlighted the effect this had on the moral as well as the economic and political development of a society .
9 Knowing the effect this had on me I could never conceal myself from a child of mine .
10 Secondly , the analysis of the search space showed precisely why these hypotheses fell through the net of syntactic constraints , and what effect this had on performance .
11 The opportunities for social advance were there for all to grasp , but in practice most had to be content with their station in life .
12 To put all this another way , Chicago represented for its sociologists an ideal case study area in which to test the grand theories of sociology ; the changing social relations resulting from a shift from a pre-industrial to an industrial society , the effects this had on the individual and what Goffman was later to call the ‘ moral careers ’ of people as they managed ( or indeed failed to manage ) with the circumstances and institutions in which they were caught up .
13 Nonetheless the resurgence of anti-American feeling within sections of the Labour party — feeling which had been broadly silenced by Soviet moves from 1948 — persisted , and it was further stimulated by the sharp increases in British defence spending and the damaging effects these had upon the government 's domestic programme .
14 The most detailed miniature building was the pyramid headquarters of the Tyrell Corporation , where the manufacture of the replicants as well as the administration of the business and the research takes place This had to be built in two sizes — many models in this and other films have to be built in several sizes , often three or four , and sometimes up to whole or partial full-size , for various kinds of shot or effect .
15 The perspectives , the horizon points , the viewing angles all had to be worked out beforehand so that camera shots would enable the backdrops to appear as natural continuations of the sets , instead of suddenly sloping up or downhill .
16 The London based group Books Etc gave an indication of the kind of impact this had on booksellers .
17 In the case of decks this had to be ‘ payed ’ which was done by running in hot pitch from a special ladle .
18 In the course of conversational interviews ( Burgess , 1988 ) that 1 conducted with Valerie Way and with Jenny Ball I followed up the themes of religion , gender and feminism and the impact these had upon their day to day work .
19 Susan Einzig , who was often present , felt that the excitement generated grew out of the sense all had of being a part of a gang , special and apart .
20 During an official visit by Kohl to Moscow on Dec. 14-15 , Germany and Russia agreed in effect to cancel a series of financial claims each had on the other .
21 For adult offenders these had for many years been confined to absolute or conditional discharges , fines and probation orders .
22 I had one suitcase , containing my things plus the knitted samples and garments and on several occasions this had to be unpacked at the start of the workshop and repacked at the end !
23 The collapse of Mosley 's challenge as a reforming force , and the close connection this had with political violence , was to represent an ironic commentary on the nature of British politics .
24 Er we 're limited with people and while Brian was in the verge of moving it which the electrics all had to be took out and rerun , he got called away , down to the pre-packs to a breakdown so obviously it did n't get done , the job stopped cos there 's nobody else .
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