Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [be] very " in BNC.

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1 Many of the definitions given are very general , for example that of Scriven : ‘ evaluation attempts to answer certain types of questions about certain entities ’ .
2 The wines from these years attained great ripeness , but the véraison was far too quick and the Champagnes produced were very high in alcohol and extract and low in acidity , resulting in big , overtly rich , fat wines .
3 There is , however , an agreed approach underlying the different formats and the content and training methods used are very similar .
4 Similar types of comments can also be made concerning landscape evaluation , and once again the methods employed are very dependent on the purpose of the evaluation .
5 The number of cross-tabulations involved is very large , and significant trends are easily lost .
6 The criticisms made are very similar to some of those made of the government 's programme for privatising nationalised industries , namely , the government may have a clear policy on transferring firms from the public sector to the private sector , but lacks a real industrial policy .
7 The majority of the work shown was very recent , but several of the pieces date back as much as 10 years revealing her fascination with the themes from classical mythology over a long period .
8 The areas involved are very large and it will take the oil companies a great deal of time and money to cover them .
9 So you can see that the time constant involved is very small .
10 In practice , so far , almost all the TEI bases defined are very similar in their basic structure , though the means exist for them to vary this if necessary .
11 Frederica 's recall of things seen was very much less lucid and automatic than those of Stephanie or even Marcus .
12 The sources of metal used are very difficult to determine .
13 As with an analogue signal , if the distance involved is very great it will need to be processed by a repeater every so often .
14 Whilst geological studies were employed during the last War , in surveys of landing beaches , roadway planning , water supply , bridges etc. , the number of geologists involved was very small , and the situation today is unlikely to be greatly different , although for security reasons the numbers are not published .
15 Whilst geological studies were employed during the last War , in surveys of landing beaches , roadway planning , water supply , bridges etc. , the number of geologists involved was very small , and the situation today is unlikely to be greatly different , although for security reasons the numbers are not published .
16 The distribution of money allocated was very skewed : it ranged from nothing to over £20,000 , with 50% of libraries spending under £1,800 ( the modal value ) .
17 The sums involved are very small and do not cover anything like the cost to the NHS of car accidents .
18 The results of a series of experiments have shown that the pattern obtained is very similar to those given for sequential disk files in Fig. 5.8(d) .
19 ‘ The area between Benghazi and Sirte ’ : the road from the one to the other is 400 kilometers long , and so the area implied is very large .
20 It is true that , when s is very large unc the columns tend ultimately to x1 ( last term in cs dominant ) , but the number of iterations required is very large .
21 Probably some always breed , although this is very infrequently proved , and the numbers of pairs involved is very difficult to estimate .
22 The grapes produced are very small , round and dark yellow in colour .
23 The one the Federation produced is very good , but a lot of reading in it , so , we wanted one we could hand out to people and the the intention is that we , we go on the market next week Thursday and Friday to hand out that leaflet , also to advertise the meeting on the tenth , erm , so that really is as far , and obviously the meetings that , that Lilly just said that Kathy 's coming , that would be an opportunity to erm you know , discuss it further with her .
24 Moreover , if vehicles move more slowly than is necessary , talking nationally , the number of man hours wasted is very large indeed .
25 The light , strongly-bonded carbon atoms can vibrate at unusually high frequencies , so the frequency of the radiation absorbed is very much higher for diamond than for other materials .
26 The ANOVA for the different models of regression tested is very explicit .
27 The type of computer system used is very much a secondary consideration , and will depend upon such considerations as : enterprise size/number of employees number of physical locations range of personnel applications to be attempted whether enterprise is growing , contracting , static supply of computer professionals available budget available What is certain is that the personnel function needs a shared information system .
28 Dioxins are also suspected to migrate into drinks made with chlorine-bleached coffee filter papers and tea bags , although MAFF states that the amounts extracted are very low and do not present a significant danger .
29 ‘ If the cost involved is very high , the Chief Officer of the Library Authority has to approve attendance ’ .
30 The level required is very much a matter of experience .
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