Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv] if " in BNC.

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1 You may also get extra discounts on top of the no claim bonus shown above if you have had a policy with us for a long time and you have not made any claims .
2 You may also get extra discounts on top of the no claim bonus shown above if you have had a policy with us for a long time and you have not made any claims .
3 You may also get extra discounts on top of the no claim bonus shown above if you have had a policy with us for a long time and you have not made any claims .
4 You may also get extra discounts on top of the no claim bonus shown above if you have had a policy with us for a long time and you have not made any claims .
5 Even where the government pays for the mechanical means of conservation entirely ( and thus avoids the problems of a lack of capital or labour on the part of the farmer , his inability to forgo food crops for a season , and the reduction of his perception of the risks involved even if his private resources are sufficient ) , such an act engenders apathy on the part of the farmer , who regards the work as belonging to the state ( FAO 1966 : 172 , for a project in Morocco ) .
6 However , light can be focused and distant objects seen clearly if the ciliary muscles contract ( as if for near vision ) .
7 I mean , we all know that having to shake tins , the number of people who go past by on the other side , and I think that we do have to be careful with the numbers , and even those people who normally give do get a bit fed up if there are too many .
8 The return of Potter will give the Paisley men a significant lift , for they clearly have their work cut out if they are to remain championship contenders .
9 WESTERN Klick Photopoint will have their work cut out if they are to get among the medals in this season 's European Women 's Indoor Championships after losing 8-1 in their opening game to defending champions Russelsheim , in Berlin , last night .
10 The point I 'm going to make is that erm , if we are n't going to get through the year and we 're all going to have to take a percentage of our March allowances because the money 's run out and we 're cash limited even if we give ourselves five percent extra , erm , could I get an assurance from the officers that the people that have n't put in their forms will get a note to remind them to do so , so that everybody is in there , you wo n't suddenly find that because you have n't had your claim form in by the fourteenth you 're gon na get nothing and everybody else is gon na get something .
11 However , you may be able to count contributions made elsewhere if that country has a reciprocal Social Security agreement with Britain ( DHSS leaflet NP 32 lists these countries ) .
12 The conference had no covert political purpose Security believed even if one presidential and several senatorial hopefuls had demonstrated their statesmanliness from the platform .
13 A grim Panorama programme on BBC television on May 17th highlighted the problems of Britain 's increasingly insecure workforce : milkmen working longer hours for the same money , CD stackers sacked just before the two years after which their jobs would be legally protected , betting-shop workers thrown out if they refuse to work evenings .
14 This was characteristic of Gresley , who ensured that he and his design team were fully informed on the latest developments abroad and adopted ideas pioneered elsewhere if they were proved relevant to his needs .
15 Alas , the brief popularity of this idea could not survive the demonstration that long-term memories persisted even if the total electrical activity of the brain was disrupted , by epileptic fits or electroconvulsive shock , for instance , or was brought virtually to zero by coma or concussion .
16 The police authority appoints the chief constable , his deputy and assistants , but the short list must be acceptable to the Home Office , who thus control the type of person appointed even if not the specific individual .
17 Use water with the chill taken off if possible : if you make up two or three buckets of really hot water before you start you can mix these with the cold .
18 INVEST upwards of £5,000 in a Bradford & Bingley one-year investment bond and an interest rate of 6.6% gross is guaranteed , with rates adjusted upwards if base rates increase .
19 ‘ And Christine told me , ’ continued Ginnie , ‘ that Mr Barnes threatened to have their dog put down if they did n't work hard enuff . ’
20 ( This option only appears if you have Full Menus selected so if it is not in the Options menu first activate Full Menus ) Use Freeze Panes to fix the position of the Split bars .
21 Have the bed moved downstairs if you live in a house and , if you do not have a downstairs toilet , contact the Red Cross and arrange for the loan of a commode .
22 It is much better to have your bed moved in if you can .
23 As one respondent in an in-depth interview said : ‘ I 'd be a bit taken aback if my solicitor contacted me .
24 The articles are on public record and the purchaser runs the risk of a disgruntled shareholder seeking to have the sale set aside if its consent was not obtained .
25 He threatened his crew with having their tongues cut out if they would not swear that they had sailed along the coast of the Indies ( they had , in fact , been sailing past Cuba ) .
26 I think it 's they look for the number of stamps used rather if it 's what you
27 So , you know , there 's no point in having all these systems set up if you have n't got the support at the branch level for it .
28 The most obvious effect of plate tectonics is that continents can be split and their components driven apart if a divergent plate margin becomes established beneath them , and can be caused to collide with each other along the lines of subduction zones , where mountain belts such as the Himalayas may thereby be generated .
29 Come on there 's some of the really silly ones left now if you know how to use them .
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