Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout this period were you looking round your shield or through the window ?
2 The ratio can rise either as a result of an increase in OM or through a fall in P. The only route through which OM can rise is a temporary budget deficit financed by the issue of fiat money .
3 The L3 leave the faecal pat to reach the herbage either by their own motility or through the agency of the fungus Pilobolus .
4 These can be used both to complete an on-exchange contract by substituting an off-exchange contract , and to bring an off-exchange contract on-exchange , to be completed by immediate offset or through the exchange clearing system .
5 This ‘ plain paper typesetter ’ — a term already used by AM Varityper to describe their 600dpi VT600 — can handle 20,000 pages per month and runs either under its own drivers or through a PostScript interpreter developed by Printware and using the Bitstream font library .
6 We believe that , where a request for information has been inadequately answered , it is insufficient to expect the applicant to ‘ seek a remedy through the usual democratic channels or through a judicial review ’ .
7 In many insects , the pressure waves can travel through air channels or through the tissue of the insect to vibrate the back of the stretched membrane as well .
8 The number of children at the school may have dropped considerably either through competition from other schools or through a fall in the number of children of school age in the neighbourhood .
9 I much prefer the system of devolved power to individual schools either by their becoming grant-maintained schools or through the local management of schools .
10 Parents and governors , on the other side , know what they are told , what they sense through adult contact with schools or through the reports of children and the family .
11 The basic rule about safer sex is that infected body fluids from your partner should not be able to get into your body ( or from you or your partner 's body ) through open , uncovered cuts or wounds , through ulcers or sores in your mouth or through the inside of the vagina or anus .
12 He unbuckled the belt and , leaving it around Newley 's waist , looped it through the wheel and through the glassless window of the door .
13 A puff of smoke , the walls falling inward like dominoes , a cascade of masonry and through the submerging tide of dusty plaster , broken tiles and splintered wood there emerged , untarnished and intact , one metal bath .
14 He propelled me off the terrace and through the shuttered dining-room .
15 Then he was leading her across the terrace and through the open doors of the villa , across the drawing-room and out into the hall .
16 This is done within the programme itself by using very restricted examples of language and by recycling these examples through the programme and through the course in a range of different short scenes .
17 The KDPI were able to come and go across the frontier and through the no man 's land between the opposing armies with great freedom .
18 Above them , the sky was full of the soft rush of beating wings , clouds of pigeons dipping and diving in and out of the domes and through the minarets .
19 When posts fall vacant they should be widely advertised within the branch by word of mouth and through the branch newsletter .
20 In the room which focuses on sight , visitors see , hear and feel themselves being poured out of a can of draught Guinness , into a glass , down a mouth and through the human body .
21 Catholicism is present in everyday life through state law , as well as through authoritative statements by clergy and through the national — popular consciousness .
22 Then he was gone , out of the car and through the gates of Brooklands without looking back .
23 Halfway down the stairs she heard voices and through the partly-open drawing-room door caught a glimpse of Sally in peacock-blue cashmere and the tall figure of a young man , fine hair above a chestnut brown suede jacket .
24 Illustrators include E H Shepard 's drawings from The Wind in the Willows ; John Tenniels ' illustrations from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass ; Martin Leman 's Cat and Teddy Bear pictures from his books ; Tolkien 's drawings from The Lord of the Rings
25 He pushed me towards the light and through a door then took the scarf off my eyes .
26 They were linked by blood to Charles II , the Dukes of Marlborough , Devonshire and Abercorn and through a quirk of history to seven American presidents , including Franklin D. Roosevelt , and to the actor Humphrey Bogart and , it is said , the gangster Al Capone .
27 Fish excrete both from their vents and through the gills in the form of ammonia .
28 I shall come into Béarn from the Soule by way of Tardets and through a small , thoroughly bucolic bit of country known as the Barétous .
29 Half a million application forms have been printed and are being sent all around the country , via over 1,000 blubs , nearly 3,000 schools and through the RFU youth development officers .
30 The door to Raynor 's room was down a flight of steps and through a narrow archway .
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