Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] then [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mark on parallel lines with the pastry wheel and then use it to wrap round the sides of the cake .
2 In other words , they created a self-image and then sold it to the greater powers of western Europe ; and whatever their reaction , be it incredulous , admiring or contemptuous , these powers now found it impossible to ignore the Scots ' insistent demands that they should be noticed .
3 I think the government giving money for the National Endowment for the Arts and then trying to decide what 's art and what is n't is a mistake .
4 Lenin was willing to make concessions , but not on the centralized unity of the party — ‘ we must not weaken the force of our offensive by breaking into numerous independent political parties ; we must not introduce estrangement and isolation and then have to heal an artificially implanted disease with the aid of these notorious ‘ federal ’ , plasters ’ .
5 We can test this theory by using matrix isolation and then employing standard techniques such as in the study of stable molecules .
6 To do that you need to add limestone which then converts into er calcium oxide in the heat of the blast furnace and then reacts with the sand to form slag .
7 I paint the main tree using a slightly stronger mix using a sponge and then paint in the finer detail with a brush .
8 Those who could not escape put in a token appearance , showing themselves before the delegates from their local constituency association and then scuttling off on the first train back to civilization .
9 The usual thing was to hire diamonds from the court jeweller for the coronation and then return them .
10 YOU could n't conceivably have two carriage processions coming from different parts of London to Westminster Abbey for the coronation and then going separate ways .
11 Anyone who wished to hoax an archaeologist need only buy up Quirke 's stock and then sink it in a bog to be rediscovered .
12 Clearly there is a range of similar applications such as warehouses and supermarkets where someone has to go around checking stock and then enter the data into a computer .
13 The other two players were both club men , Glenn Brill , a Silverdale forward with a brief North Harbour record , and Nigel Ward , a high-scoring loose forward with Silverdale and then Northcote in recent times , but with no real chance of becoming a regular North Harbour player .
14 If you 've forgotten to buy a card and the shops are all closed , simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines , paste them onto a piece of card and then write your own personalised message inside .
15 Now he is confined to 125cc racing and this restriction was never more evident than at Carrowdore when he won the 125cc class which was the first race on the card and then spent the rest of the day on the sidelines talking to anyone who might listen to him — myself included .
16 You pass the chosen card and then finger another as if you feel it is going to be the right one and then say ‘ How much do you bet me that the next card I turn over is the chosen one ? ’
17 A GANG of five teenagers stole a 20-year-old woman 's cash card and then tortured her to give them the pin number .
18 This apparently involves sending patients an eyesight test card and then running through the test itself over the telephone .
19 The researcher , Valerie Yule , watched adult-child pairs in these settings and then compared what occurred with the behaviour of adult pairs .
20 When one lands on such a flower , it seizes the clumped anthers with its six legs and then vibrates its muscles so vigorously that its whole body shakes with a loud buzzing noise and pollen pours out of the anthers like salt from a vigorously-wielded salt cellar .
21 With all my might I stamped at its head , but missed it by a couple of inches ; again I stamped with the same extraordinary result ; but with the third stamp I caught the poor little creature and crushed it to pulp , and yet it gave one more thrust with its tiny legs and then lay still .
22 She picks up this blue skirt and holds it against her legs and then puts it back on the rail .
23 Suddenly , from the top of the bank , Buckthorn flung himself headlong into the scuffle , knocked one of the guards flying with a kick from his back legs and then closed with the other .
24 In Madeira he first worked in a bakery and then developed a business with William Wilkinson in which they undertook the letting and management of quintas ( complete with china , linen and furniture ) on behalf of their Madeiran and foreign owners .
25 Kuhn started his academic career as a physicist and then turned his attention to history of science .
26 Zen flashed his identification with contemptuous brevity and then allowed a little time for the mechanic 's fear to be fruitful and multiply .
27 Yeah , a single strip that they actually just feed into the ring and then put the balls in .
28 Anyway , I 'll go and give mum and dad a quick ring and then let them know .
29 Ignore personal attacks and criticism by thanking the opposition for their feedback and then moving on with the positive aspects of your case .
30 creating a common consciousness and then let the peasants go with that .
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