Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A child is disabled if he is blind , deaf or dumb or suffers from mental disorder of any kind or is substantially and permanently handicapped by illness , injury or congenital deformity ( s17(11) ) .
2 Whether this difference represents an important additional effect of salmeterol or is simply due to a higher relative dose is uncertain .
3 Is it because such a meeting would bring bad luck or is there another reason ?
4 Of importance at this stage is whether the technique merits wider and detailed comparative trials or is to good that such trials are not justified on ethical considerations or is so good that patient pressure is such that carefully controlled trials can not be mounted ( phase III ) .
5 Mitcham which contains a number of interesting Georgian houses , is now a separate borough and is well known for its historic cricket green and its lavender factory .
6 Another explanation of the vicar 's selfishness is possible , namely that he does not live up to his religion and is therefore a poor representative of it .
7 But there is another , perhaps rather less obvious , reason to avoid candid recording which is associated with the subject 's self-image and is most easily understood by continuing to draw a parallel with photography .
8 The Turkish version of the battle of Kosovo Polje differs from that which is presented in the epic songs and is probably closer to the historical truth .
9 ‘ It 's a comedy with lots of good songs and is very entertaining , ’ she said .
10 One physical reason for difficulty which is greatly exaggerated in popular thinking and is even claimed mistakenly as the basis of some sexual dysfunction is that of abnormal size in the sexual organs .
11 These are the Three Women , which originally belonged to Leo and Gertrude Stein and is now in Russia , and the monolithic still life Bread and Fruit Dish on a Table , now in the Kunstmuseum in Basel .
12 It was known locally as The Creamery and is now a house .
13 Frosted ground is hard on dogs ' feet and legs and is also dangerous for them .
14 The easiest way to find the wide range of cover you need at a competitive price is with a policy which packages together a number of covers and is specially designed for a certain group such as self-employed tradesmen .
15 For this kind of caring is often seen as the dignified proper response to long years of partnership and is realistically faced as a price that can be gladly paid for past happiness .
16 This callous view of suffering which smacks strongly of the protestant ethic ( epitomized in the complacent exhortation : God helps those who help themselves ) has a very familiar ring and is clearly seen today in the attitudes towards the mentally ill held by all but the most enlightened members of western societies .
17 But Walker injured his back against Coventry on Tuesday and is almost certain to miss Saturday 's visit of Crystal Palace .
18 In another change of tack — there was a time when OS/2 was the whole future as far as the company was concerned , Microsoft Corp is switching its signals and is now making it clear that it expects MS-DOS users to prepare to switch to Windows NT .
19 Danny Harrold has also been in demand for the £50,000 contest and is now 8–1 .
20 The MU only recruits and is only interested in professional , session and orchestral musicians .
21 these three are all very good defenders as mentioned in previous postings by me and all would have fitted fine at Leeds — but i feel that the jewel of the collection is Johnsen — he has speed and is extremely flexible — and he has not yet signed for Spurs — so he might still be in for a trial at Leeds .
22 The octopus on a pot from the Diktilian Cave has twelve tentacles and is scarcely recognizable .
23 In the past , the IFA has clamped down on such outbursts against referees and is now looking into the matter .
24 This sort of revenge , without real ( or rational ) cause is condemned by Miller and brings only unhappiness , as it is based on imaginary and childish grievances and is therefore spiteful and unjust .
25 Though this comes in for constant robust internal criticism and revision , it is more thorough than that of many professional advice and counselling organizations and is increasingly used as a model by other organizations .
26 It costs a whopping £19,907 and is currently on offer only as a left-hooker , although right-hand drive will be available towards the end of the year .
27 The Popi also has its own roof terrace and is ideally situated — right next door to the Nitsa studios , so you 'll never be short of company and action .
28 ‘ The people has completely lost its nerve and is dreadfully wound up and frightened ’ , ran a report from Upper Bavaria in March 1945 , as once again an ‘ enemy air armada ’ in full flight formation crossed the skies completely unimpeded .
29 The range will deal effectively with numerous scalp problems including dandruff , scalp irritation and hair loss and is now available in the UK from all good health stores .
30 God-like , Niall flings himself on to his adoring audience , sinks beneath the waves and is eventually restored to the stage in time for the anti-rap encore of ‘ Where 's Me Jumper ’ .
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