Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [that] i " in BNC.

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1 I assured her that I would definitely not change my mind and that I was sure that I wanted to do it .
2 ‘ If I knew my future and that I would never be No 1 I think I 'd tell myself to forget it .
3 Mind you , once you get to the know the typewriter and that I mean you know what you 're doing and you 've done your R S A one .
4 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
5 This afternoon — I arrived in Salisbury at around three thirty — when I entered my address in her register as ‘ Darlington Hall ’ , I could see her look at me with some trepidation , assuming no doubt that I was some gentleman used to such places as the Ritz or the Dorchester and that I would storm out of her guest house on being shown my room .
6 I would have to bite back my angry words — that better men than he had driven the jeep but that I knew he would share their fate .
7 I told them that there was no doubt in my mind but that I wanted to be a paratrooper .
8 I begged not to go to school the next day , but Mama said that I was over my cold and that I would be safer at school in case her trick should fail .
9 I says she 'll get Gary to collect them at work and that I says
10 But now that you are reaching voting age and puberty , and will inevitably soon experience the same condition , I must tell you that my penis is fluorescent green and that I have five foreskins .
11 I felt as if my soul was filling with honey and manna and that I was being brought to a mystic feast .
12 I admit that I was not on the Committee and that I am on a steeply rising part of the learning curve , but I shall reach the asymptote fairly soon .
13 One afternoon , when Aunt Lilian was lying down , I told Aunt Kit that Richard was on the ‘ other side ’ over Suez and that I had decided to leave him .
14 Certain people have claimed that in group psychoanalysis and that I think is fraudulent , because they are not doing analysis they 're doing something different and erm I think it is something described I think very well in this book , although of course as we said this was written erm er group therapy .
15 I said , more 's the pity and that I had seen the term both in the Petit Larousse Moderne and the Figaro Littéraire .
16 I had no doubt that there would be a YS contingent with a red flag and that I would ‘ react physically ’ to any attempt to remove it .
17 Now I know I went to a sp a specialist and that I mean it just keeps on coming back you know , maybe I 'll
18 In 1938 I was offered a programme with full rehearsal and that I accepted , though when it came to the time I asked for separate section rehearsals — first strings , then winds — which met with some opposition , particularly as the orchestra was convinced that it knew the music already .
19 The social workers told me I would like the home and that I could stay on at my old school and still have the same friends .
20 Charmwood the house and she was saying when her mum and dad were courting , where they used to do the co courting , like must of been a wood and that I think
21 By the time that was five months old , I felt that we had achieved a bit of organisation in our lives and that I was in a position to offer ‘ something back ’ to the NCT .
22 The field was laid out in strips about two feet apart and only after pushing into the crop did I realize that the plants were trained up a trellis of almost invisible wires and that I was in a hop field — a ‘ beer field ’ , as Duncan would have called it .
23 Erm you know I like Georgian and I like a lot of other architecture but that I think has got tremendous character .
24 I called after her that Jean-Claude was not at home but that I would find him .
25 The year erm which was done last year myself , self assessment and that I 've actually my form tutor to suggest it and they are reasonably positive , like sixty five percent to move into
26 Then I told him that my friends had gone off in the wrong direction and that I was willing to pay the owner of the moped for taking a message to them .
27 The fact that I had people to speak for me at the trial and that I was doing community work did n't appear to mean much to them .
28 I 'm defiantly proud to point out that I did thirteen drafts of Wanda and that I 've been writing comedy professionally since ‘ 63 , so by the time I was writing Wanda it was 24 years .
29 That she had lied to me , that my father had been betrayed by Mills and that I had avenged her husband 's memory .
30 No it 's the tablets and that I 'm .
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