Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [vb base] if " in BNC.

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1 Men can ring the changes by wearing a different shirt or tie if they do n't want to invest in more than one suit .
2 Have a good look at that remedy and see if your intuitive feelings can be justified .
3 Still , it 's not all bad so join THE LYRIC ROUND … 20 lyrics culled from 20 songs and see if you can name those tunes !
4 Still , it 's not all bad so join THE LYRIC ROUND … 20 lyrics culled from 20 songs and see if you can name those tunes !
5 A subsequent pregnancy may re-awaken grief and anger if the birth mother feels she was forced by her parents or social circumstances to have the previous baby adopted .
6 In Latin America , Africa , and Asia , peasants might make a similar journey to market with a few chickens or other stock and produce if the fare were low enough to leave some profit .
7 I 'll give the Salvation Army a ring and see if they can help you .
8 Well give Jerry a ring and see if there 's anything to offer Yeah yeah .
9 Windblowers a ring and see if they 've got
10 I 'll ask again on Tuesday and see if they can just send me .
11 ‘ Will you telephone Harriman and ask if he could do anything in the way of intervention ? ’
12 Inspect the result and decide if it would look better if you stretched or shrunk the scale .
13 Then close your eyes and see if you can describe that person in sufficient detail to distinguish him or her from anyone else — it 's harder than you think but you will improve in time .
14 and there 's only going to be a couple of people there she knows and she was gon na ring Marie and see if Rob and I could go , you know , really as a , to keep , make up a foursome sort of thing
15 Try to hit a daisy or a leaf with the grip end of the club and see if you can do it .
16 In the meantime , she might just as well take another look at those ledgers and see if she could make any sense of them .
17 If you reach the conclusion that the asking price is reasonable , ring the agent and ask if any other offers have been made and what he thinks the owner might accept .
18 He hums and haws for a bit then he says he 'll put them in his car and ask if I can keep them at Combe Court .
19 I believe its main ingredient was quinine and doubt if it can be obtained today .
20 No matter , it was a wild weekend , and some time soon I 'll return to the scene of the crime and see if I can make the princely pond a home fit for a frog .
21 Open the air vent with a radiator key and see if air or gas is forced out .
22 On the opening day of the Scottish Fish Farming Conference in Glasgow , delegates were told that the business could face a chaotic period of boom and bust if production rates were not managed properly across Europe .
23 draw a line of vowels and see if I mate a make a word or something .
24 Erm , Gerald 's pointed out a problem , could you look in your living assurance rate books and see if you go from thirty six next birthday , to forty five next birthday , on the smoker section ?
25 On the other hand I am prepared to get on my hands and knees and see if there is any rem in dogs .
26 On the last day of my visit to Florida I met Graham Morris , the Rover Group 's American President , who told me that whether it 's work or play if it 's in America it 's got to be big to survive .
27 In our opinion , the duty is not simply one to take reasonable care in the abstract , but to take reasonable care not to injure a person whom it should reasonably have been foreseen may be injured by the act or neglect if such care is not taken .
28 Try to find from the salvage dealer the police station from which he collected the vehicle and enquire if they know its original number from their files .
29 ‘ I 'll go down to the village and see if they 've got any newspapers and magazines . ’
30 A further discussion with Sir Henry led us to agree that the telegram must be delivered , but that I should take it in person to the Editor and see if something less embarrassing could be agreed .
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