Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] i " in BNC.

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1 Well I , I went to a psychiatrist once looking for a self-help group cos I did n't want tablets or anything I just wanted somebody I could talk to .
2 lost something and I ca n't , I ca n't find it and I 'm looking and I 'm , and ee , and er , a bit of a noise or anything I 'm looking backwards is coming and then I realize he 's not there any more to come and then other days I just feel like I 'm dangling in the air and can see the , the ground and I ca n't touch it with my feet , just somewhere right , right out , it 's not real , not real you know and then you go , you get back to with a bump and know that it 's real and then it just feels left , nothing else , you ca n't help yourself in any other way .
3 Er I 've always er , I do n't think I e I b th whenever I 've been unhappy with work it 's been work that I 've allowed myself to do for ulterior motives , for money or whatever I m The things I 've done er even th the things that have been unsuccessful th if I 've wanted to do them , I 've been able to live with that .
4 No staff room or loo or anything I think we 're at least entitled to the odd bun !
5 I 'll go along and be Well actually I 'll get him to do that and instead of being bored about the for forty five minutes or whatever I
6 Cos if I sing , when I 'm doing my homework if I sing along to a tape or something I start writing the words down .
7 Now , the other two subjects I 'm really only dealing because the people responsible are , are not here in the flesh this afternoon but Alyd the provincial advocate and I I think of Bill that 's also gone too , er yes he he has , he has had to leave this afternoon .
8 But this is the result and I I think it 's very creditable .
9 all the consultation that also talks about in this paper is met with the two centres , the management committee of Highfields youth and commune centre and also the users of the Moat Centre and I think in light of everything that 's gone on I think it 's substantially a success to stand here and say that we have at least achieved some result and I I formally would welcome the Libs supporting this this afternoon and I 'm grateful for the turn that the Libs have made and in light of er what er Mr the involvement Mr has put in .
10 But anyway I gave , it 's fifty P I gave the lass who was selling it a pound you see and she said here you are waiting to give me my change , I said no , no and she said and I said to her I said you know you need it more than I do and she she got tears in her eyes and I I thought I mean I I do n't know if I can articulate this properly .
11 and erm I went to a youth club and I I was speaking to eight year olds and they 're asking about condoms cos they 've seen them in the street , so it 's obviously they 're wanting to find out about it cos it 's everywhere around them even , does n't matter what age .
12 But , as I say , I we I went there and I got all the information there , and then I went into Dixons and I I did what they did on the television , you know , started talking and so I said well er , you know , do you have the er ha I noticed that there was erm no finance er
13 we 'd thought out , we 'd go out together when er we 'd finished our tea and we I had my tea .
14 go and buy one and dash in with a cup of tea and he I hoped no one called and no one
15 look in early nineteen forty eight where we are , wh where the land reform process had taken the Communist Party tt and then we could begin to look forward to where policy was going to go from there in terms of the military , political , economic , ideological future and what I 'm going to do today to , to begin with anyway is , is to just consider where we are and where it is we 're gon na go and in a sense we could , it might be helpful to , to put ourselves back in a position of being the central committee again .
16 This er a question that Mr raised last Thursday of Friday and which I thought I 'd clarified Leeds position on .
17 I have n't had to in my this current house because they 're sealed units and I I bought the house new so .
18 Whether the men used me or not , I now have a better understanding of relationships and what I want from them .
19 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
20 He was a good journalist and one I 'd known professionally for many years .
21 Mummy and me I like in the morning
22 Here 's a couple of er samples of books and we I 'll refer to those erm during the next er three or four minutes .
23 ‘ My experience at The Dorchester and what I know from the Four Seasons Inn on the Park ( Four Seasons recently acquired the Regent Group ) , shows me that there is a market which appreciates the best service and is prepared to pay £200 a night and more for it . ’
24 It feels cold : I had hoped for spring but what I am finding is winter .
25 Insp Best said : ‘ I have come here with a very open mind but what I want to do is to develop the skills I have already and I am hoping it will give me more confidence .
26 There are a whole range of things he ca n't do , he ca n't direct congress , he ca n't appoint who he wants freely , he ca n't make treaties with whom he wants when he wants , he ca n't start wars if he wants to start wars all these controls are on the president but what I , what er Newstat is saying is , over and above that , even in the areas where he appears to have constitutional authority , as a matter of practice it 's very difficult for the president to exercise his authority and when the president does exercise his authority he does so at great cost to himself .
27 Erm , it , what it struck me as is a parallel with Freud 's idea of transference , you know that once something happens in the , in the traumatic period in a , in a childhood , there 's then a tendency to transference to occur later in life , we recreate later in relationships to er the model of the early one and er it struck me that what you said about French industrial relations sounded a bit like transference in erm in the psychoanalysis the idea that i i it spills out as it were from the initial which might have been saved er within the family to other relationships i in later life that people have with their superiors at work or something I mean you can see this actually sometimes you know that people have relationships with their superiors which are clearly erm based on erm their relationships with their parents and they see the , th their boss as a parental figure and the employee sees themselves as er as , as , as a kind of erm child and it shows itself sometimes in quite er quite unmistakable ways .
28 Okay if you want any help or anything I should be around for
29 Extract 2 oh listen I wanted to tell you one of the girls in my supply class we 'll hoover when we come back wo n't we she said to me she looked at my shoes and she said you 've got flashy shoes or something I said I got them in Spain she said Miss are you Spanish I thought it was really funny
30 saying she 's spoke to you about some development plan or something I she said shall I bring it round to you , I said no I 'll ask .
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