Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] look at " in BNC.

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1 Now yesterday Alison MacDonald looked at the lot of parents struggling around Glasgow in the first of her series on child friendly Scotland .
2 This month IAN LUCAS looks at their other major requirement — food .
3 On page 10 IAN LUCAS looks at a catfish set-up .
4 Dan Dan Dan look at that picture on there , Dan !
5 Advertisement manager COLIN ACKEHURST looks at the options
6 Jim Scott looked at his reflection in the mirror , studying his features .
7 He says that Murray Johnstone looked at the idea but concluded that : ‘ There did n't seem to be much sense in launching a common investment fund .
8 Neil MacDonald looks at the havoc this is creating in a coup-prone land .
9 David Foot looks at the amiable ‘ Ghost ’
10 Miss Honey looked at the plain plump person with the smug suet-pudding face who was sitting across the room .
11 KAY BLAIR looks at the techniques employed by some companies to boost sales
12 Miss Hawthorne looked at me for a long moment .
13 Neil Fitzgerald looks at the case for finding a fast-track route for commercial actions .
14 Humber brought him into the Small Ward to look at my patient 's injured leg .
15 David Murdoch looks at myth and the American psyche at 17.15 on THURSDAY 28th MAY in room B/B002 of the Biology Dept. , University of York .
16 Tonight in the first of two reports , Richard Barnett looks at the traditional family links that have sustained the regiment down the centuries , in The Glosters …
17 Mrs. Hennessy looked at the open suitcase .
18 Mrs. Hennessy looked at him in surprise and switched the vacuum-cleaner off .
19 Richard Webber looks at how increased sophistication will improve credit marketing while reducing badly targeted junk mail
20 Miss Havisham looked at the fire , and then at me again .
21 Lucy Lane looked at Kersey .
22 It was as though Wycliffe was giving her only part of his attention ; he seemed to have become absorbed in his own thoughts and when Sara stopped speaking there was an interval long enough for Lucy Lane to look at him with concern .
23 David Mascord looks at how caterers have coped .
24 Miss Phoebe looked at Jess , caught her eye , flushed deeply so that the ugly pits stood out on her skin , then looked quickly away .
25 Miss Barrett looked at Rachaela with keen glasses .
26 Jean Grimshaw looks at some of the ways in which feminists have tried to conceptualise what it is for a woman to be autonomous , and the relationship between these conceptions and philosophical ways of thinking about the human self .
27 Miss Menzies looked at him as if he was mad .
28 ‘ She said it was the way Miss Harker looked at her when she thought she was nothing .
29 Miss Harker looked at it with distaste as if it were a species of repellent insect wriggling on a pin , then took it carefully between her finger and thumb and held it up to the light of the candle .
30 In the final chapter Rolle looks at active and contemplative life both as inner states and outward practices .
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