Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Stendhal , on his return to his adopted city after an absence of two years , claimed La Scala to be the most important opera in the world , since which time no one has felt the need , or had the temerity , to fault his judgement .
2 Campaigners , calling for the convictions of Tony Poole and Gary Mills to be quashed have been given renewed hope after Gloucester MP Douglas French , met with Home Office officials .
3 On one level , it is quite a good joke in the decade of Brecht 's Der Gute Mensch von Sezuan to be relishing the washing-up scene in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the decade of Sartre 's La Nausée and ( as far as English publication was concerned ) Joyce 's Ulysses , to be whooping with delight at the reprint of Adventures of Tom Pippin by Roland Zuiz .
4 The Russian side says the Ministry of Science looks toward the EUnet/Relcom network , the former Soviet Union Internet node , to provide communication links and appointed the current president of Relcom Corp , Alexie Soldatov , and the director of the Russian Institute for Developing Public Networks/RELARN project co-ordinator , Alexie Platonov to be responsible for this area .
5 Sun 's Tsunami forces reportedly have orders from Sun chief Scott McNealy to be ‘ animalistic , ’ ripping up the old price book and standing the computer industry status quo on its head .
6 I found Siglo XX to be a ghost town .
7 Det Sgt Hardy Jones of Darlington CID said police would be stepping up their surveillance of the area and advised women walking around Harrowgate Hill to be on their guard .
8 Hugh Despenser the Elder was re-appointed Justice of the Forests south of Trent in March 1308 , and , shortly after the king went north in September 13 10 to escape the Lords Ordainers , he appointed Piers Gaveston to be Justice of the northern forests for life , with wide powers to enclose and arrent the forest wastes and audit the agisters ' accounts , and unprecedented authority to remove verderers and appoint his own men in their places .
9 See Martin Sheen drunkenly method act himself into a heart attack , watch made Marlon improvise pure nonsense out of thin air and discover the real-life Dennis Hopper to be more manic than his character .
10 But the conversation at college dinners suggests that the Delegates would prefer the interface between Gown and Grub Street to be controlled by an academic , and the appointment of one such into a sort of non-executive chairman 's role is made possible by the fact that OUP has strong divisional managing directors .
11 Raima UK is likely to be joint-owned by the two companies , and is said by Systemstar 's David Turley to be ‘ the inevitable consequence of our selling the product for the last five years ’ .
12 Vilson Ahmeti , a " non-party intellectual " and outgoing Nutrition Minister , was asked on Dec. 10 by President Ramiz Alia to be the new Prime Minister , the first time this post was offered to a non-communist .
13 They are essentially a form of nonsense verse for which Eliot had great affection and understanding ; he had lectured on the subject while in America in 1933 , and he once told Stravinsky that he considered Edward Lear to be a great poet and compared him with Mallarmé .
14 He had even painted the convent where I had sought consolation in my early homesickness and had agreed with Mother Joseph that I should apply to the Mother House to be accepted as a postulant and return in the course of time , if God so willed , as a professed nun to help her teach the children and grow the herbs and milk the goats and say the prayers in the cool chapel .
15 My next move was to persuade Miss Hildegard Fritz-Denneville to be finally independent and join her in partnership as an art dealer , starting a new career .
16 That is , he considered the term God to be an appellation for Truth rather than the term Truth to be a description or attribute of God .
17 The message got round and it got round Haddon Hall like wildfire that I wanted David Bowie to be a cabaret star .
18 There was need on Ewan Beg to be silent and row till we were through the narrows , but he had time after that .
19 As that was a race in which Lotus , knowing that Fittipaldi was planning to leave , had given no team orders to Ronnie Peterson to be obliging to Fittipaldi , Ronnie won — as he could have done several times previously — and with Ronnie 's win , Fittipaldi was eliminated from the title race .
20 Discovering Miss Danziger to be familiar — even intimately familiar — with every blade of grass on Møn , his curiosity had been aroused .
21 Vernon David Koresh to be , escaped conviction because the jury could n't agree on his guilt .
22 Their candidate is Peter Maughan , said by constituency agent David Faulkner to be a dead ringer for opera singer Luciano Pavarotti .
23 You 're full of crap Laura to be quite honest with you !
24 It 's all very well for Richard Dawkins to be wise after the event , er , Freud , writing in nineteen thirteen , had no such benefit .
25 John de Menil conceived the idea of a catalogue raisonné of the artist 's work then and asked David Sylvester to be its editor ; the Foundation has been supporting the project ever since .
26 The people of the Old Town , who were poor , wanted Duke Michael to be their King , but the people of the New Town wanted King Rudolf .
27 The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of Sir Brian Fall KCMG to be HM Ambassador to the Russian Federation in succession to Sir Roderic Braithwaite KCMG , who will be retiring from the Diplomatic Service .
28 The quota system was held in Romkes v. Officier van Justitie to be non-discriminatory .
29 Mr Afo 's organisation also demands that Congress grant blacks the five southern states of Georgia , Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana , and South Carolina to be established as a separate nation .
30 To investigate this ability of different recombinant GGFs to be secreted , we determined for the two human cDNA clones the distribution of total expressed GGF ( Schwann cell mitogenic ) activity between cell lysate and conditioned medium after transient mammalian transfections ( Table 2 ) .
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