Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the Depression the NUAW clung on to its existence by retaining the rump of its membership — no more than 25000 — in its East Anglian stronghold .
2 One after the other , Nat , Aldo , Jimmy and Ben got on to their bikes and rode off .
3 So men from the IRA mixed with British squaddies , and through necessity got on with each other .
4 The play tottered on like this for a quarter of an hour .
5 A hand feeling blindly for throat or arm or hair landed in the middle of Gabriel 's face , and Garvey 's fingers clung on like a starfish , pressing it out of shape .
6 Cecilia got on to the platform .
7 Plans agreed on by the first meeting included a shopping trip to Holland to visit a shop which sells outsize jeans and sweat-shirts and another to Germany to a shop which claims to sell the biggest size shoes in the world .
8 William lived on for a further 16 years after that , into the reign of George V and the First World War .
9 This hope lived on in Judaism .
10 A presence lived on in his absence .
11 Some evenings there 'll be a series of sketches laid on by the Club 's Entertainments Team or a folklore show by guest dancers .
12 Pascoe got on to his knees like a man at prayer , and hauled Singer towards him by his hair , punching twice , hard , as he pulled the man in .
13 In more recent years Jim passed on to me his copies of The Nottingham Graduate .
14 ‘ Go for the girl , ’ ordered Randy Sherwood , as South Sussex rode on to the field .
15 The trial ground on through the long hot summer in Pretoria .
16 Alexandra sank on to a stool and bowed her head .
17 Inside were two fairly small square rooms , one each side of the front door , with a roomy kitchen built on at the back .
18 The group discussions reported on in Appendix II excluded pensioners and the very poorest households .
19 Unfairly , Sandra is still best known in Britain as ‘ Madonna 's best friend ’ , the possible — but in the end rather improbable — lesbian love interest that titillated the tabloids for a while until Maddy moved on to other mock shocks .
20 Herr Nordern sank on to the sofa and , astonishingly , found himself holding his wife 's hand , and feeling hers firmly gripping his .
21 Last night the hurricane moved on to Louisiana .
22 This positive working relationship helped to strengthen the foundations of the sport , especially when Sarah moved on in 1987 to become a senior staff coach at the English Ski Council and Development Officer for freestyle .
23 Sometimes these were ad hominem arrangements-that in Kefe was dissolved after a year and that in Kutahya when the holder moved on to his next post , though Kutahya was recreated a mevleviyet in 989/1581 — but many of them had become permanent by the end of the century .
24 The Caribbean lapped on to the deserted palm-fringed beach just beyond .
25 Schools got on with the business of education .
26 BALDNESS can be caused by ringworm from a fungi passed on by pet budgies , dogs and cats , says an Australian hair expert .
27 Without his bad-tempered dad , Rab C. Nesbitt , to annoy him , Wee Burney got on with the job of handing a trophy and a Cash Club Account containing £10 to young Heather Stobbs .
28 On Nov. 25 a programme agreed on by the coalition partners was announced in the National Assembly .
29 But the car lived on as a classic .
30 Leaving a toisech in charge , Thorfinn rode on with Tuathal and the advance group .
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