Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] only [vb pp] " in BNC.

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31 The record showed that out of fourteen nuclear public inquiries since 1956 , the nuclear proponents had only lost once .
32 Previously , Legal & General had only taken realised investment appreciation to p&l account as investment return .
33 Say the town had only got three and a bit thousand people anyhow , three thousand people , erm there was very very little actual passenger traffic .
34 The besieger had become the besieged , and Matilda had only escaped because of the gallant rearguard action of her half-brother , Robert , Earl of Gloucester , as they fought their way out of their castle before they were starved out .
35 Some manual workers had only overtaken clerical workers in terms of pay because of the overtime they worked .
36 The fears generated by the blockade had only served to strengthen Western suspicion of Russia and to deepen Europe 's division .
37 Rory had only seen fleeting glimpses of it , but enough to know it was there .
38 Robert had only laughed .
39 The failure of British cinema 's first big drive on the international market-place provoked some serious reflection about why British films had only limited offshore appeal .
40 But their ideas had only limited influence on the way games were played and understood by the mass of manual workers .
41 The lock to open the door of her sensuality had only needed the right key .
42 Another participant pointed out that the Northern Ireland budget over the last five years had only increased in line with inflation .
43 There was no embassy in Naples but there was probably some consular representation although the War had only finished a couple of years before and not just Italy but the whole of Europe was hopelessly disorganised .
44 ‘ It 's the first time we 've been banned anywhere , ’ said Barry , adding that singer Michael Stipe had been involved in the production of the video and that the rest of the band had only seen it once .
45 She and her husband had only moved to a government-sponsored caravan park south of Miami after Hurricane Andrew destroyed their home last August .
46 And erm , this is why I say to the Co-op now er they know my feelings because my husband had only got erm he had er trans works transport which when he retired erm he , he , said well what are we going to do ?
47 Last May , I wrote that if customers had only limited choice as to where to buy jewellery ‘ then it is every bit as exploitative if the quality is unnecessarily low than if the price is unnecessarily high ’ .
48 The world number two saw a splash after topping his drive on La Moraleja 's 414-yard fifth hole , but the ball had only skimmed the surface and finished back on dry land .
49 He fired again , and felt the lesser kick which told him the ball had only lodged half-way down the barrel .
50 Charles 's beatific smile had only faded a fraction .
51 The previous law of deception had only covered situations where the accused had obtained ownership .
52 If the shares were only partly paid , for example if S had only contributed £150 for his 200 shares , then his liability would be £50 .
53 And even when the other ship tried to follow is into Flicker , so that both of is were in sub-light together for a millisecond , Posi had only glimpsed it .
54 Her attraction had only grown ; he found himself trying to smell her hair when they sat together in pubs , he gazed out of the comer of his eye at her breasts under whatever jumper or T-shirt she was wearing , wanting to touch them .
55 The answer , said Hudson , was that the Duke had only had ten thousand men .
56 But one thing Rachel was certain of was that the revival of those memories had only intensified her dislike of her sister 's ex-fiancé , and when she arrived for work the following Monday morning and he was the first person she saw she found her resolve to have as little to do with him as possible had only been strengthened .
57 But they were all quite delightful fellows about the same age as most of the airmen pupils , and we seemed to fit in very well with each other ; although most of us had spent several years in the RAF the acting pilot officers had only spent , say , a couple of months .
58 In his sermons the Chaplain of Cadets had only hinted at the existence of terrible ultimate anti-Gods which stalked the warp , seeking to spill through into the cosmos to corrupt precious reality — the antithesis of all that the Emperor stood for ; forces which Marines should pray that they never encountered .
59 Certainly the picture of him during this period is of a man haunted by guilt and remorse ; it seems that he felt he had no right to happiness , and the death of his wife had only served to convince him that he had done some irreparable harm to another human being , for which he must undergo a period of punishment .
60 But after dumping their loads and returning to Camp 3 at 24,000ft , the Darc Star team 's problems had only begun .
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