Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bishop Crowley appointed as Chairman of CAFOD in 1988 .
2 Roger Sippl quit as Informix Corp chairman to pursue his start-up interests : Phil White , president and chief executive , succeeds him .
3 If this routine is written in a programming language such as PL/1 , Algol or Fortran , the calculation is not necessary ; the subscript facility can be used , and the table entries referenced as TABLE ( CAT , FAC , PROD ) .
4 Both Orton and Vera Chirwa trained as lawyers in Britain during the 1950s .
5 They were working at about the same time as Turner and Constable and shared those artists ’ concerns in relation to painting directly from nature , which Dahl described as Naturvei — nature 's Way .
6 At the far end , in a pool of light thrown by sconce-torches and a cluster of candles , sat a small , balding figure swathed in robes whom Corbett recognised as Wishart , Bishop of Glasgow .
7 When she died in 1709 , two Dukes and four Peers acted as pall bearers at her funeral which was held at St. Nicholas , the parish church .
8 Meredith acted as referee .
9 Miss Matalin was political director of the George Bush campaign , while Mr Corville acted as campaign consultant to the victorious Bill Clinton .
10 This episode bears considerable similarity to the fate of Lord Grey de Wilton , Lord Deputy of Ireland to whom Spenser acted as secretary .
11 Wright acted as Chairman with two principals , John Haddon and Samuel Davis , and these three were probably the founder members .
12 But John Cranko profited most from his meeting with the Wrights , because John Wright acted as stage director for the Cape Town Ballet Club and was consequently much involved with the whole ballet world at the Cape , into which John eventually gravitated after his puppet phase .
13 A keen supporter of colonial projects , Erle served as governor of the Dorchester New England Company .
14 And Ronnie signed as Number Two , which he well understood and accepted .
15 The late Earl Spencer served as equerry to both King George Vl and the present Queen .
16 Indeed , I have in the past done so , filing pages of foolscap paper with words spangled as wildflower , natural and sweet .
17 David Nicholls from Swindon and his brother Martin from Milton Keynes worked as laggers mates in the early nineteen fifties .
18 So when people talk about Freud 's Lamarckism , they 're not talking about what Darwin and Freud understood as Lamarckism , evolution by will , with progressive improvement , what they 're talking about is what everybody believed to be true , the inheritance of acquired characteristics .
19 Private pension scheme tax concessions grew as part of deliberate policy .
20 Obediently , Dot did as Gloria asked , gripping her thumb between her front teeth to prevent it slipping out .
21 The frogs did as Sergeant advised , and discovered at the far end of the garden , near the brick wall , a fine shady place among a cluster of mossy rocks .
22 However , after a lively inaugural meeting at the Duck and Forceps , punches were thrown , beer spilt and the club emerged as Whaddon and Mitchley Athletic .
23 The band played Glenn Miller ; Jews appeared as pirates , sailors and Hawaiian dancers .
24 On April 15 Winnie Mandela resigned as head of the social welfare department of the ANC .
25 V. P. Singh resigned as leader of the Janata Dal parliamentary party on Aug. 24 .
26 Abedi resigned as president of the bank in October 1990 .
27 The skilled negotiator , on the other hand , asks questions not only to gain more information and understanding but also as an alternative to disagreeing bluntly and as a means of putting forward suggestions ( ie possible courses of action said as questions .
28 The goals continued as Holden stroked home a in the seventy third minute , but a dreadful back pass by gave Bartley an open goal to make it four two .
29 Sept. 24 : Hugues Dobozendi replaced as Justice Minister by Christophe Grelombe .
30 Demonstrations throughout April and the first part of May organized by activists opposed to ( ex-Communist ) President Rakhmon Nabiyev 's regime culminated in the formation of a coalition government , announced on May 11 , in which eight of the 24 ministerial posts went to opposition members , while Nabiyev remained as President .
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