Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] they could " in BNC.

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1 When Jonathan Malcolm and his girlfriend met they could have little idea of the trouble which lay in store .
2 But the brothers believed they could do no wrong .
3 However , the Stuarts claimed they could raise money by means of the prerogative .
4 Maybe somebody in the pentagon figured they could find out how ill he was just by listening to it .
5 It was because of these expectations about planning that members of the RTO felt they could comfortably cut down on DHA estimates of the revenue required for community services .
6 Today , the department said they could n't answer that until they review the case .
7 In the 1960s , when bank credit was tight , companies found they could use the services of a broker to lend to one another .
8 Merging companies believed they could achieve significant gains in productivity and profits , and government policy assumed that these would offset any adverse effects from an increase in monopoly power .
9 Yet after being annihilated in the first Test , England showed they could still fight .
10 Management claimed they could , but the women consistently produced less than the required targets .
11 While Tayside Region and Perth and Kinross District Council indicated they could afford only part of the survey , estimated at £80,000-£100,000 , the Scottish Office reply was unequivocal .
12 The judges decided they could not be sure which of Sarbutts ' stories was true and quashed Turner 's conviction , Mr Roberts said .
13 In many countries the government stimulates such enterprises by providing some start-up capital , but the spokesman for our government came across very poorly , with totally negative comments to the effect that if inventors thought they could rely on the government for help , they were wrong .
14 True , what he had felt for Kee was at the time a stronger passion , and so far as charm went they could n't be compared .
15 It seemed that people were often worse than even Jane thought they could be .
16 On 29th October , 21 days after the accident , some of the miners thought they could hear the sound of moaning and worked with renewed vigour .
17 For example , 80% of female personal service workers said they could not design and plan important parts of their work ; 96% said they could not decide their starting and finishing times ; and 63 % said they could not initiate new tasks during their work .
18 It it is No it is n't now because w Pete said they could have seven people out there so if they get seven people out there ,
19 Mrs. Olinton said they could .
20 The eastern states claimed they could not afford to dispose of the chemicals , which would require incineration , and were originally given until the end of 1992 to use them up .
21 In reply the Namibian authorities stated they could not grant a licence as the islands were South African territory , thus indirectly providing the information required !
22 Clara could not count the times she had heard her mother declare that when she died she would be dead , and she would n't care what happened to her body , and for all site cared they could put her out for the dustman to collect sentiments which from the first had filled Clara with a vague alarm and horror , for they were clearly reasonable enough in their own way .
23 ‘ People can dip in and out , looking at objects which represent the best that artists of a certain period believed they could do woven in with some everyday things .
24 One-and-a-half hours was typical , though a number of fast workers reckoned they could buckle down and get a baby seat fixed in one hour flat .
25 This is the operation that plant workers decided they could do without on the morning of the accident .
26 Coupled with the financial implications if carers decided they could no longer shoulder this burden the case for supporting respite care becomes overwhelming .
27 Dealers felt they could be choosy , passing several highly touted lots , including a Louis XIV Boulle marquetry writing table ( which some believed to have been extensively altered ) , unsold at $325,000 ( est. $400–600,000 ) and a set of four Louis XVI ormolu-mounted Boulle marquetry cabinets ( est. $400–600,000 ) which failed at $250,000 .
28 She continued to attend the unit as an out-patient for more than six months , when the therapists felt they could not make any further progress .
29 But Donald thought they could .
30 International athletics officials insisted they could neither confirm nor deny the report .
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