Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [verb] but " in BNC.

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1 The driver stopped to complain but was told it was his own fault — if he had been on time the ball would have missed .
2 Whitlock tried to explain but the policeman 's grip tightened on the revolver and he repeated the order .
3 Downey admitted shouting but said it was on the spur of the moment and he meant no disrespect to anybody .
4 Corbett tried to sleep but could not and sat trembling , trying to compose his thoughts but it was useless , he could not calm himself .
5 Dot tried to smile but it would n't come .
6 Maurice was speaking more slowly ; sometimes his lips seemed to tremble but his manner was once more tentative and self-deprecating .
7 I remember David started crying but Ralph would not back down and say we deserved the money , or to have some of it , so we just left them at the Brummel Club before doing their thing .
8 The US$2,100 million earmarked for the station in the 1993 budget was US$840,000,000 less than the Bush administration had requested but US$400,000,000 more than the House of Representatives had approved in late July .
9 As the mosaicist had to understand but not devise geometries it is likely that he could amend illustrated motifs but would copy , as a whole , the arrangements suggested for a mosaic .
10 The step which for decades successive tsars had contemplated but abandoned in the face of noble opposition was taken at last .
11 I looked up the phone directory and , sure enough , there was a P.Lawn , ( luckily not a common name ! ) , from which we surmised , correctly , that Ken had died but Pat was still there .
12 The wind had dropped but the still air winced with frost .
13 His status as an employee had ended but the continuing terms of the contract of employment subsisted .
14 Them 's Germans , Dot wanted to say but the words would n't come out .
15 Fitzormonde made to run but , even as he turned , heard the great iron chain spring loose and saw the bear rush towards him .
16 The market for places in the sun was the first to be hit when high interest rates and the recession at home began to bite but , with mortgage rates now in single figures , people are once more looking abroad .
17 Mrs Browning began to laugh but the laugh brought on a coughing fit and , when Wilson rushed to her aid and raised her higher on the pillow , her face took on an ugly blue tinge , which she had never seen before .
18 Biddy drove out of town fast , and down narrow lanes into the country of wide marshland and wider skies which Nails knew existed but had never set eyes on before .
19 Many Elves did return but others , such as those in Athel Loren , refused to abandon their adopted homeland and stayed on in the Old World .
20 ‘ It depends , ’ she said : she was feeling happier since Memet had arrived but would not have dreamed of telling him so .
21 However , he said , even a cursory look at the figures showed that what really happened was not so much that Scotland had gained but the rest of the country was now becoming stuck in the kind of economic mess that Scotland had endured since 1979 .
22 The blizzard had passed but the sky threatened more .
23 It was found , however , that work on this modification had begun but had not been completed .
24 Other lesser interests and associations continued to exist but they were excluded from influence in crucial areas of public policy and were left out in the political cold .
25 Ruth wanted to leave but was so panic-stricken at the thought of the latter happening that a decision to go or stay was out of her reasoning .
26 This was what management wanted to prohibit but it is a victory for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly . ’
27 Rain tried to follow but Maurin blocked her way .
28 Some of the pieces began to fit but there was a great deal more that he wished to find out .
29 Williams declined to comment but Triplex ruled itself out .
30 Then it all started to get VERY scrappy … the flicks kept coming but there was nobody running one to them .
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