Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 JUSTIN FARTHING wasted no time picking up the winning thread following his disappointment at Aintree with the Martell Fox Hunters ' favourite , Rushing Wild .
2 Her shift passed rapidly , and , though her heart fluttered every time someone walked in the door of the lounge , it was never a wet , muddy , and very angry Matthew Blake .
3 They only managed to convert one of them , when Shaun Taylor found the time and space in a crowded penalty area to knock home the equaliser .
4 Two or three of Dr McNab 's supporters wasted no time in surreptitiously slipping their cards of emergency instructions from their pockets , crossing out the name McNab , and substituting that of his rival , before settling back to watch their new champion in the lists .
5 Donna wasted no time checking them out .
6 But Sikes and Toby wasted no time .
7 The car faded every time I lifted my foot .
8 His overcrowded programme allowed no time for more than the barest formalities between himself and Merrill , and his manner was coolly polite — a situation for which , she told herself , she was profoundly grateful .
9 More than once Lina arranged the time and place of an interview , booked the plane , agreed the meals , models , set stylists and hairdressers only to find the whole thing suddenly cancelled .
10 Walker recorded a time of 8 mins 26.50 secs in Auckland two years ago , and after a highly successful , injury-free winter , had hoped for a better opening to his steeplechase season .
11 Spanish Christendom thus enjoyed a respite and Alfonso lost no time in consolidating his battered forces .
12 Cleo thought at first that the net would only drift right through the spirit , but it swiftly formed a sparkling ball round its prey , and Apanage lost no time in drawing the opening of the silk tightly together .
13 But when Edinburgh University 's Professor David Wood-Gush and colleagues released factory-raised pigs into a semi-wild environment on the Pentland Hills , the animals lost no time in gathering twigs , grass and branches to build communal nests in which to sleep .
14 The administration lost no time in trying to regain the initiative for the United States .
15 Determined not to be viewed as another Wang , Groupe Bull SA took the time to clarify to journalists its position regarding IBM and the RS/6000 last week at its Les Clayes-sous-Bois research and development centre in Paris .
16 The other Rex tossed the Time Sprout back into the lead bucket and screwed down the lid .
17 This partly explains why the review took the time it did , since the computer can spend nearly four days running a full set of figures .
18 Being an ‘ illiterate mechanic ’ , Stephenson had no time for the niceties of laboratory research .
19 It was n't just that Bernice had no time for women who made themselves look like that ; the other woman demanded attention .
20 Marie had no time to think about Bella 's story : the little queue surged forward and they found themselves inside the double doors in a short corridor leading through to the main ward .
21 Everything was apparently under control until the last few seconds of flight and he was so busy trying to sort it out that fear had no time to grow .
22 Ramsey had a time announced for hearing confessions and some people came .
23 The conventional palaeontological view was , until recently , of an age of 10 to 15 million years , whereas molecular data suggested a time of divergence of not more than 5 million years ago .
24 The planning department found that business units considered the time horizon of the issues to be too long to be of relevance and these issues were therefore considered to be ‘ back of the mind ’ flagging signals and were therefore not acted on .
25 Mcduff passed the time writing letters .
26 These were the gig mills , which raised the nap on the cloth prior to shearing and vastly shortened the time needed compared with the old hand method , and shearing frames , which by mechanically aligning the heavy forty-pound shears reduced the time taken to a quarter .
27 A minute later I looked at my watch ad noted the time .
28 The Disciplinary Committee lost no time in expanding its reports of hearings , issuing for the first time details of the chairman 's comments in the case of Michael Jordan , senior partner of Cork Gully , and Richard Stone , head of corporate finance at Coopers & Lybrand , who were found guilty last year of accepting the appointment of administrator to Polly Peck in spite of a continuing professional interest between PPI and C&L .
29 That clinched it ; the Public Assistance Committee lost no time in recommending that Bedford should go to the minister and be incorporated in the NHS .
30 ‘ I do n't like you , either , ’ he admitted , and they both knew that liking had nothing to do with the seething emotions aroused every time they touched or came close .
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