Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] made [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course I made it .
2 He was sitting there with his head in his hands ; he did not rise when the train passed ; he made no movement ; he did not give a glance at the signs I made him ; and for a long time as the train was carrying me away , I watched his little motionless , grief-stricken figure , lost in the desert , an image of my own despair .
3 I could n't tell you how , but it I , cos you 'd , I do n't want nothing , but when I did , I 'd got ta use my ingenuity to get something that I could get one or two or a dozen or ten off , you know what I mean , and I got ta make it and a lot of times I made it out of wood which was easily er you know treated .
4 He 's talking about the time I approached them at Leeds Poly and asked them why their logo featured women 's breasts rather than the species-ist cow 's udders I made them change it to .
5 When you said you came from good tough stock it made me shiver a bit .
6 No , , it 's just a but he was , you know , I was fairly slow , and then I went on , I followed erm , I ended up slightly , as well , erm , then I went to college up to the age of eighteen , erm , and as soon as I finished college he made me a department manager .
7 In spite of our obtrusive entry he made us welcome , inviting us in and lighting a fire .
8 However , I am prepared to confirm that in my evidence to the Select Committee I made it clear that the regional electricity companies were obliged to purchase the most economic electricity on the market .
9 No wonder she made it clear to Shelley that she was wasting her time .
10 ‘ What a pity you made it . ’
11 Also the other men and women I represented when I became convenor they made me what I am and I thank them .
12 And a of course is also what they used to get when you wanted to make mealy puddings you made them with the the intestines of an animal and that 's also called a .
13 Paige looked down , knowing that whatever decision she made he would abide by .
14 Other times she made me promise to keep them for ever , to remember her by , and say a prayer She was a bit vague who it was I was to pray to .
15 And I would also point out that we are not proposing excessive development , in one of the papers I 've I 've put round , and I repeat the point I made it earlier .
16 He very quickly became an invaluable member of the organisation and after two years I made him manager .
17 ‘ It 's a good job you made us bring those clubs , Floyd .
18 Sadie would n't accept any of the various titbits I had brought with me , but with patient coaxing we made it home eventually .
19 ‘ And the promises he made me , Father , when he asked me to marry him , ’ she complained to Father Michael .
20 Every evening he made her sit with him and ordered her to say to him , ‘ You are very handsome , my lord . ’
21 Richard was the King 's brother ; according to Henry 's mood and caprice that might make the young man either indispensable or unthinkable , but even for de Burgh it made it difficult to disparage his stewardship openly .
22 She 's open-minded , and a single parent : maybe that has something to do with it and with me not having a husband it made it easier for her to come in and see me sometimes .
23 thank you darling , oh , you know the pot I made you ?
24 Last night you made me feel more alive than at any time since the crash .
25 I did n't have to do any of these crazy things they made me do .
26 Greg had seen the posters around for some days , and on the evening before opening day he made it his business to pass by the warehouse and go in , for he was a paid-up member of the club , and lit seemed easy enough to fake a mistake about the members ' viewing day .
27 With blood pouring from the bare bone he made it to a pub near Loose , Kent , where regulars called 999 .
28 Bernie did one very important thing for The Pistols He made us focus our thoughts .
29 For a while it made him like me .
30 With her particular character it made her more liberal- minded
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