Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In these notes I described the aims and origins of the scheme :
2 ‘ That was one of the prime reasons I raised the issue , because if the constituents are saying that , it is time the councillors were saying it as well . ’
3 For humanitarian reasons I thought the family ought to know . ’
4 In terms of the economic activity projections , as a result of representations made to me by one of Professor Lock 's colleagues , that was one of the main reasons I increased the assumptions on the eco economic activity based projection , to increase B one office relocations to a a far higher degree percentage than previously .
5 Nowhere to be seen and one of the reasons I bought the magazine was to read the article as I have a Ti'ko machine ( and incidentally have been very pleased with it ) .
6 Each book ran to 64 pages and from these gems I learnt a great deal about Soccer , Cricket , Rugby Union , Rugby League and other sports .
7 That 's just the story I told the clan ! ’
8 Because ’ — his speech slurred a fraction — ‘ I 'm going to tell you a story I heard the other day which I could n't possibly tell you if you had a lady Archdeacon . ’
9 As I swabbed the table with disinfectant I had the old feeling of helplessness .
10 In fact , under my contract I had no control over the cover .
11 As I opened the case I heard a groaning , splintering noise , which caused me to experience extreme pain as the bridge flew off and whacked me on the side of the head !
12 In each case I pressed the national authorities concerned to allow me to send a UK ‘ observer ’ to their investigation and I am happy to say that our request was agreed to on each occasion .
13 A year later when I had Katie and I was married , I did n't want " to go to hospital in case I got the same treatment , but they were totally different .
14 In this case I chose a mount measuring approximately 17. 5cm ( 7in ) square , with a 7. 5-cm ( 3-in ) diameter aperture .
15 That was in case I had a ‘ hypo ’ , ’ she recalls .
16 The police have been up several times , you know that attache case I said the dustman found that time ?
17 So much so that she decided to call the police and give them my registration number , just in case I made a habit of kerb-crawling .
18 I ambled intentionally slowly , hiding my wrist-watch in my pocket , in case I damaged the leg further through impatience and hurrying .
19 ( And , in case I muddled the halves and thought the lady 's name was Mary Marks , I decided that it would be a very windy day and that , as the skirt of her wedding gown was blown by the gales , I was able to see that she was wearing suspenders . )
20 After 24 hours of freedom I knew no one was going to lock me up again
21 Category I contained the 27% of authorities who mentioned 30 or more programmes or courses .
22 While I was in Germany I took a special interest in the treatment of creative men and women who had lost direction and in some way broken down .
23 Indeed when the time came to leave Germany I made a mental decision never to return .
24 I walked this afternoon from my room to the School and in the lane I met a cat carrying a hedge sparrow .
25 For an instant I saw a different woman : not the sour , bored old creature I had grown to expect , but someone strong and humorous .
26 At that instant I learnt a lesson I have never forgotten : never , ever use a camera that you have not tested , ’
27 At that instant I felt a pang in my heart !
28 When we were at the park I took the down there cos
29 I heard er er der at er erm parked in the other car park I heard the hoofs go bang !
30 This continuity has practical as well as expressive value , because it facilitates the organic style of change I mentioned a moment ago as a practical advantage .
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