Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [vb base] you " in BNC.

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1 You do n't lE T them do you ?
2 Hampton M. Vins PS I hope you will charge your lowest price for it , and if you please not to send a duffil one , but a cloth one , full yard long , fail not on Wednesday , please to send it by Mr. Field the Waterman , who comes to the Beehive , at Queenhithe , pray do n't send a duffil one but a cloth one .
3 But by the time I tell you her story I want you to be prepared : that 's to say , I want you to have had enough of books , and parrots , and lost letters , and bears , and the opinions of Dr Enid Starkie , and even the opinions of Dr Geoffrey Braithwaite .
4 ‘ I 'm not saying Eddie 's incapable of violence but in this case I think you 're on the wrong track .
5 yeah , but that in which case I think you should try and tie the story in with it became in like the canteen
6 ‘ Then in that case I suggest you make a start right away , ’ Harriet said .
7 Sometimes we can find it difficult to visualise positive outcomes ; if this is the case I suggest you refer to Chapter Three , which explains that all qualities can be given an opposite , more positive , interpretation .
8 Either you have not shown these plans elsewhere , in which case I owe you an apology … or you have touted them round , and the fools ca n't see what 's in front of them . ’
9 But I think sometimes I mean you 've either got to do what you do coming back from Germany I think you have to take the bull by the horns do n't you ?
10 M. I realize you 've never lived with people who take things seriously , and discuss seriously .
11 In addition I understand you have received copies of the Scottish Office leaflets on Council Tax which have been prepared in conjunction with Local Government Officers and also the Council Tax Benefit leaflet produced by the Benefits Agency .
12 ‘ I was rather wondering , Uncle , ’ he smiled at the man who had kept a fatherly eye on him from the age of ten , ‘ how you felt about serving some of that excellent champagne I know you have in your cellar . ’
13 the er , erm , so I mean , we really have made major strides and I think if members look at the location maps I mean you can see just how we how widely spread the day centres now are .
14 Well I 'll wait here for a bit I mean you 'll queue at the others if I turn round .
15 We blitzed ourselves a little bit I think you know , back pass we talked about , no back passes , ball gambles and everything , in he goes , two free headers basically .
16 erm , I wished I did mum I tell ya , get paid next week and it 's Easter
17 Do you think it might be an idea to speak to the er to first and get their resp so I 've got their response I think you
18 right , well the E E C have cut their grants of all school milk I think you 'll find certainly on that being discovered I would imagine that it 's similar to the County Council .
19 From the bottom of my heart I thank you . ’
20 Yes and er my mother was frightened to death of guns because , oh he was a bit of a boy at heart I mean you can just imagine everybody used to bring the sporting guns to be repaired and there was guns floating about all over the place , and my mother was scared stiff of guns right till the time she died er , and he got mixed up with all these sporting connections you know like go off to shoots and various things and I think he did a bit of cock fighting in his day as well , but I 've , I 've got the exercise books that his two brothers .
21 Well cos down in Cardiff I mean you ai n't got the money down there .
22 Primitive I grant you but transport nonetheless . ’
23 ‘ Of course I trust you .
24 Of course I hope you will travel .
25 Of course I remember you !
26 Of course I remember you .
27 ‘ Of course I like you , Rune .
28 But Mrs Lynde said kindly , ‘ Of course I forgive you . ’
29 ‘ Of course I forgive you , ’ Mary said .
30 ‘ Of course I love you , ’ John says .
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