Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] of people " in BNC.

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1 perhaps reduce it , if you put a fiver a brick loads of people will probably take 'em up on it , business might , but twenty pounds for a brick
2 Well they they read stuff and they get tape recordings of people talking and they go through and
3 It will be open on Thursday from 10am-4pm and aims to break down the family , work and leisure isolation problems of people with hearing difficulties .
4 Thus , for example , the price of a rural railway line should be less than the private marginal cost if society judges it a good thing to protect the living standards of people in remote areas or to foster a sense of national cohesion .
5 Around us were the closed bedroom doors of people lately dead .
6 In recent decades there have been substantial changes in the family and household experiences of people in Britain , especially in the 1980s .
7 It stores names , addresses and telephone numbers of people suspected of aiding illegal immigration .
8 As well as having a good working knowledge of the subject with which you are dealing , you , as an efficient PRO , should also have at your fingertips the names and telephone numbers of people within the organisation who are competent to speak to the media on specialist subjects , and this list should include others apart from the brand managers and marketing department personnel .
9 The survey was carried out in over one hundred towns and cities by a property firm , and included samples showing the shopping habits of people in Oxford and Aylesbury with some interesting results .
10 Second , it sets arbitrary amounts on the income needs of people of different ages and may underestimate the needs of children by comparison with adults ( Berthoud 1985 ) .
11 Unit cost of job placings of people with disabilities
12 Over a period of five days teams of people walked , ran , cycled , rode , paddled and sailed from Inverness to the Western Isles , taking with them a marble stone — a 1,200 year old saintly relic of St Ronan .
13 Examples : Humorous and dramatic dialogues between two people chatting about the tax , one totally ignorant and the other knowledgeable ; question and answer sessions ; vox pops with the public asking them what they know about the tax ; case studies of people who are unsure if they are entitled to any discounts .
14 ‘ I ca n't imagine why you wanted to come here , ’ she said , staring at the milling crowds of people with distaste .
15 I would personally like to see more erm sort of grading of erm more , more higher standards being set by the sort of head offices of people who own things like chains of motorway service areas , not catering for the lowest common denominator , but aiming to really have an absolutely top quality service , cleanliness , everything , in all parts of their business .
16 I mean you 're talking about having computers in the offices and perhaps in the home , now this must have great impact on the future education needs of people who are going to use these devices , surely ?
17 There is increased recognition that concentrating limited national training resources at the professional or university level is not likely to have much impact on the service needs of people at the grass roots .
18 The self perceptions of people growing old in a different country are somewhat neglected in research .
19 In January 1968 , Farrell and the other militant civil rights activists of People 's Democracy started a march from Belfast to Londonderry , modelled on the famous American civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery .
20 When police in Cleveland pinned on station noticeboards photos of people they suspected might be infected with the Aids virus , the two probation officers who disclosed this practice were disciplined .
21 It is difficult now to realise the scandalised horror with which not only the critics , but the general public in the 1920s and 1930s , greeted the fact that he could have used Victorian magazine illustrations fro producing the series of paintings called Echoes , or make portraits from press or publicity portraits of people such as the Prince of Wales , or public events such as Miss Earhart 's Arrival of 1932 .
22 The lyrics were what glum people call sick , their sleeves were often Savage Pencil drawings of people 's brains moving rapidly away from their skulls , and Albini 's onstage aggression and general tenseness made many people see Big Black as bad evil frightening men .
23 She nearly ran up again when the milling throngs of people in the hallway below turned as if drilled by some invisible sergeant and stared at her .
24 To help their case , they are looking for case histories of people who have been affected because of the lack of access to their files .
25 Credit union Savings and loan clubs of people with common bond ( for example , tenants ' association , factory employees ) , cash loaned for particular purpose , not usually more than a few hundred pounds ( but could be £4,000 ) ; usually fixed weekly repayments ; interest paid on what is still owed at rate fixed at start .
26 We do not think that reduced fetal growth is associated with death from cardiovascular disease merely through an association with adverse influences acting in the adult lives of people of low social class .
27 It attempts , in some measure , to meet the learning needs of people of different ages and interests .
28 Remarkably simple yet it still needs an awful lot of erm individ er people teams of people back at head office backing you know know what I mean .
29 The authority 's internal audit division will try to identify the person who gave a building surveyor details of people who have just had home improvement grants approved .
30 Writing names of people
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