Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] having been " in BNC.

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1 There were reports of opposition supporters having been fired on in Tbilisi the following day .
2 When Banner treated its properties as investment properties in its 1990/91 accounts , auditors Stoy Hayward added to their report : ‘ Without qualifying our opinion above , we draw attention to note 8 which refers to the valuation of investment properties having been conducted by the directors at open market value assuming vacant possession ’ ( see ACCOUNTANCY , September 1991 , p 33 ) .
3 Mortgage accounts having been submitted to the plaintiffs by the first defendant and by the receivers an order for various accounts and inquiries was made in Chancery chambers by Master Munrow on 14 March 1988 .
4 Each group or course consists ideally of six or seven clients , all group members having been individually assessed by one of the therapists , using the structured interview and questionnaires described in chapter 3 .
5 Those dependent on state benefits have fared particularly badly during the 1980s , eligibility conditions having been made more stringent and the rates of many of the benefits having been cut .
6 TUESDAY 'S play in the first round singles events having been rained off were played yesterday in the 31st Dun Laoghire Bowling tournament in Dublin .
7 The control regime was liberalized for computer , machine tool and telecommunications technology ( microcomputer exports having been permitted since August 1989 ) ; companies seeking exceptions to remaining restrictions would have to wait only eight weeks for permission , rather than 12 weeks as hitherto ; and countries such as Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland , if they were prepared to introduce their own controls on use and re-export , might expect more favourable treatment .
8 Among the hardest hit industries were motors , where Ford and Vauxhall on Feb. 7 announced cuts of over 2,000 jobs and around 300 respectively to take effect mostly from late 1992 ; aerospace , with BAe announcing on Feb. 12 some 2,350 job losses in its military and regional divisions ; coal , with several pit closures or staff reductions having been announced in January , and with a prediction by Malcolm Edwards , then British Coal 's commercial director , on Feb. 19 that the corporation could be slimmed down to possibly as few as 12 pits in the next two years ; and steel , where on Jan. 8 British Steel had confirmed the closure by September of the remaining part of its huge Ravenscraig plant in Scotland , with around 1,200 job losses .
9 Longer term parking space may be located on the north side of the roundabout which links some of the many sliproads together at ground level , pedestrian subways having been thoughtfully provided .
10 In many cases these responses had developed without clear policy decisions having been taken .
11 Although this hunt met with a certain amount of success , British SAS troops having been reported as active behind Iraqi lines pinpointing targets for US F-15 strike aircraft , its results were not all positive .
12 As with widows ' payment , receipt is dependent on sufficient NI contributions having been paid .
13 In the event of your being ineligible , due to insufficient NI contributions having been paid , you may still be entitled to receive income support , family credit , housing benefit or a grant or loan from the social fund .
14 Can the Minister assure the House that , if a general election goes against his wishes and people cross their ballot papers having been influenced by Labour propaganda , he will accept that result ?
15 However , the origins of the practice are thought to pre-date Christianity in Britain , with earlier pagan fertility rites having been adapted by the Church in the fifth century .
16 However , the goal posts having been established , it did make it all much easier .
17 However , despite brain cells having been grafted from his backside , Walter staved off relegation and 1950 was heralded , by players and supporters alike , as the dawning of a new decade .
18 The ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) dropped more than 80 per cent of its current National Assembly deputies from its list of candidates for the June 27 general election , only around 70 of the 290 FLN deputies having been chosen to stand .
19 Equally bad from the point of view of damp exclusion in the circumstance of a breach appearing in the roof surface , and even worse in terms of the restrictions it places on the opportunities for salvaging slates in any wholesale reconditioning of the roof covering , is the arrangement in which the slates are nailed directly to boarding , no fixing battens having been incorporated .
20 The outlines of Freud 's later theory were made available in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego ( 1921 ) , the first mention of the death instincts having been made in 1920 in Beyond the Pleasure Principle .
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