Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] made [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the peasant plaintiffs in the Mitry case presumably made the journey to Compiègne believing they might win .
2 Have new television channels , satellite cable etc. made the film critic redundant and fit for an academic existence only ?
3 The success of German industry in the west only made the people in the east more desperate and paranoid .
4 That he himself happened to be a congenital cad only made the whole thing more difficult , not easier .
5 Backbenchers mostly made the same points that they had made over a year earlier .
6 Upon conviction , she ( I use the pronoun ‘ she ’ for the sake of convenience here ) appealed on the ground that the statute expressly made the crime one which only a man could commit .
7 Ruth stood silent ; these urgent words only made the deadness inside her worse .
8 That the Polish Jews were socially , politically and economically quite distinct from German Jews only made the business easier , since the two groups were at loggerheads with each other .
9 With its free power glove , the figure below made a sign as of a leaping spider .
10 The freshman soon made a name for himself in debates at the Union , which is the historic Cambridge debating society .
11 It was many years since Selwyn 's wife had persuaded him that it was not good manners to pick his teeth in company , but his lips still made the motions of mouthing a toothpick .
12 PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe yesterday made an impassioned call for a Marxist-Leninist single party state in Zimbabwe .
13 Picasso also made a series of studies of Lopokova and Massine in the can-can for Massine 's Boutique Fantasque .
14 Shevardnadze also made the startling claim that the Soviet leadership had foreseen the revolutionary changes in Eastern Europe in 1989 .
15 Councillor Grubb today made the first call to the helpline .
16 Richard indeed made a considerable impression by capturing Castillon-sur-Agen in August 1175 .
17 The defendant then made an agreement with the plaintiffs in which ‘ in consideration that the plaintiffs , at the request of the defendant , would deliver to the defendant ’ the cargo of coal , the defendant promised to unload it at a stated rate .
18 Frankie never made the mistake of approaching him without invitation .
19 We all spurred and whipped as we reached the bottom of the hill to keep up pace for the snow underfoot made the going heavy , when both Bowyer 's horse and that of Southgate suddenly took on a life of their own .
20 The overall length of the Siberian lines was 2,100 versts , and mounted cossack patrols constantly made the rounds to ensure that all was peaceful .
21 WITH a meaningless tournament offering a first prize of $2 million , tennis finally made the grade as a cuckoo 's nest this week .
22 Nietzsche already made the point , and as a philosopher who was willing to call himself an egoist his witness is especially interesting :
23 A judge yesterday made a unique ruling against Warwickshire County Cricket Club that could have repercussions in all sports .
24 The ANC yesterday made a discreet ‘ no comment ’ on the latest rumours that the couple are on the verge of divorce .
25 In addition to criminalizing both the practice and receipt of abortions , the law also made the provision of information concerning abortion a crime punishable by up to one year 's imprisonment .
26 Sarah 's aunt who lived in America sent food parcels so Mrs Redmond also made the wedding cake and provided much of the food for the wedding breakfast .
27 It was the same story in Germany and Holland where our issue also made the headlines .
28 Mr Le Pen also made an anti-Semitic attack on a Jewish government minister , Mr Lionel Stoleru .
29 The Committee also made a number of recommendations specifically related to the curriculum and assessment of lower attaining pupils .
30 The Chancellor also made a deliberate effort to show that while he recognises the dangers of a rising public sector borrowing requirement , his first priority is to avoid blighting the economic recovery by raising taxes too far and too fast .
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