Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] now that " in BNC.

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1 Could the government not spend the money better now that the Soviet Union , the last obvious threat to Swiss independence , has gone away ?
2 Times are so hard for the major Japanese computer manufacturers right now that they plan to lobby the government for financial aid to keep their surplus employees on the payroll .
3 For those of you who thought that Sun might not be our enemy anymore now that we are a software company — think again . ’
4 It seemed to me richer and stranger than the pearls themselves had ever been — and richer and stranger still now that they had gone .
5 They wo n't give me a minute 's peace tomorrow now that you 've been to the centre . ’
6 Normally , a ride in a car , even a police car , would be something of a treat for a child particularly now that a gratifying crowd was beginning to collect to witness his notoriety , drawn by the yards of white tape which sealed off the whole of the south part of the church and by the police cars and the unmistakable black and sinister mortuary van parked between the church wall and the canal .
7 The vessel wobbled , Holly-jack chittered and watched Tallis curiously , a girl again now that the haunting of wings had gone from her — for a while .
8 It 's er almost two years ago now that erm , and it , I 'd like you to wait , but not entirely as a consequence of B C C I 's er , demise , that Citra published a code of practice to Treasury Management and a guide to the Chief Officers who were members of that Institution .
9 I do n't know where Jeff is and I have no more business here now that your cousin 's disappeared as well ! ’
10 This was purely business , and for all the jolly camaraderie Kate was aware that most of the men she 'd met this evening had grave reservations about her ability to do her job well now that they 'd seen her .
11 ‘ There are more guns there now that we ever thought possible . ’
12 A replacement for X Window pioneer Bob Scheifler as head of the X Consortium has been found in Lou Abel who must now raise funds as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology withdraws support and figure out the consortium 's true charter especially now that the industry has established a trade association , the X Industry Association .
13 A replacement for X-Windows pioneer Bob Scheifler as head of the X Consortium has been found in Lou Abel who must now raise funds as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology withdraws support and figure out the consortium 's true charter especially now that the industry has established a trade association , the X Industry Association ( UX No 429 ) .
14 They have not handed over the arguments to be articulated by lawyers and scientists even now that they have taken the city and the tannery to court in a law-suit claim for $31 million .
15 I told the police just now that you have very dark eyes and golden-brown hair . ’
16 ‘ It 's a little bit easier now that I have nothing to lose , ’ he said .
17 Gianola will also be a threat too now that Derbi are fast again and Cobas and Aprilia both have good bikes this year .
18 She may even be persuaded to come back with me , to stay a week or longer , Dorothea decided , for she had no reason to live in that ugly little town house alone now that her father was dead .
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