Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] with the " in BNC.

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31 The work continued under another architect , but the death of Marino , combined with the vast expense of the building together with the losses his surviving family also suffered at the hands of the new Spanish governors , meant that work stopped altogether for many years .
32 Alchian and Demsetz characterise the firm as involving a team use of inputs together with the occupancy of a central position by a party whose function is to monitor the outputs of the team members and the other factors of production employed in the firm .
33 To begin either action , the plaintiff must file at the court office a formal request to the registrar , now the district judge , to issue a summons to commence the action together with the particulars of claim .
34 A countdown using sound signals together with the raising of flags is given at ten and five or six and three minutes before the start , depending on the procedure being used .
35 The tried and trusted jobbing musicians culture of ‘ trad ’ dove-tailed nicely with the trade paper ethic and it was much easier to write articles such as ‘ Kenny Ball Concerts To Be Waxed ’ and ‘ We Salute Acker !
36 ‘ Upon review of medical evidence regarding HIV and AIDS together with the evidence of the complainants , I am satisfied that the arguments as presented by the Crown with respect to the vitiation of consent to unprotected sex with the accused are sufficiently persuasive for me to conclude there is some evidence upon which a jury , properly instructed , could … convict of aggravated sexual assault . ’
37 Developers ' ancestors include such admired figures as John Nash , the Adams brothers together with the builders of Bath , Bloomsbury and the New Town in Edinburgh .
38 Thus , Aedes larvae reared on a diet deficient in tyrosine or the related phenylalanine together with the resulting pupae are unpigmented ( Golberg and De Meillon , 1948 ) .
39 The fundamental achievement was the elucidation of the structure of DNA and proteins together with the mechanisms by which genes code for and control the structure of proteins .
40 When she had lifted it , she prostrated herself on the ground and peered into the blackness below with the help of the well-provided villa 's torch .
41 They signed a memorandum which read : ‘ I agree that the terms of the late Mr Farrington 's last will be varied so as to give Mrs Violet Peppercorn all of Mr Farrington 's personal chattels together with the freehold bungalow at 27 Washingly Road , Folksworth , of which she is currently tenant ( tax-free ) and to give a tax-free legacy of £5,000 to Mr and Mrs Arthur Peppercorn .
42 He even goes so far , as to claim that ‘ notionally , in the short term you could achieve the necessary revenue only with the IBM customers …
43 The analysis of these data together with the use of hitherto unused qualitative information will provide the first detailed and accurate account of bank behaviour with respect to lending practice and thus allow a proper assessment of the central issues .
44 There is also a room containing the University 's 5 ‘ Prime ’ computers together with the Library Service 's own Data General machine .
45 But it has passed the actual resolution of those problems back to the schools , and has charged schools and LEAs together with the task of reviewing how the curriculum as a whole can best secure the aims of the Act .
46 The unit 's been threatened with closure together with the hospital 's other acute service including Intensive care , coronary care , and specialist baby care .
47 Do similar relations hold ( by analogy perhaps with the Boltzmann principle ) for viscoelastic materials at large strains ?
48 Prepare a budget recommendation together with the broad media strategy you would adopt to fight off the competition .
49 There was a moment when Eisenhower 's eagerness to resume contact with Eden alarmed his colleagues and threatened to realign the United States prematurely with the British .
50 This set of books together with the index gives further information about attitudes and their measurement , including the other types of scales available .
51 The incidence of biliary related symptoms of 15% in the present series is similar to that reported in patients undergoing a sphincterotomy and stone extraction alone with the gall bladder left in situ .
52 The report will be sent to the parties together with the minister 's letter of decision , which will set out the factors which have influenced the minister .
53 In 1961 he finally pulled a deal together with the Ford Motor Co and AC Cars Ltd , and early in 1962 the Cobra was born .
54 With the signing late last year of Monotype , Compugraphic and AM Varityper together with the more recent additions of Scangraphic and Autologic there is little if any cause for complaint to be made .
55 The result of this submission together with the passages from the coroner 's affidavit which I have read is , he says , to permit a coroner to ignore other evidence as a possible concurrent cause of death unless , as I have said , such evidence is of an exceptional nature .
56 It is clear that the issues of animal welfare and the environment are the issues of the late twentieth and the twenty-first centuries and that increasing knowledge and the application of appropriate methods together with the involvement of all the people will improve the plight of our beleaguered natural world .
57 The roof together with the sides were bolted into position permanently , after which the sliding doors were fitted , these also having been built in a jig .
58 The Loyalist Coalition , consisting of the Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party led by William Craig and the Democratic Unionist Party led by the Rev. Ian Paisley together with the Anti-White Paper Unionists led by Harry West , refused to take part in the talks .
59 In poetry such a transport is evoked by a pattern of words ( selected by the poet perhaps with the most intense thought and effort ) , which stabilizes it and allows me to evaluate it at leisure .
60 The symptoms of 174 children who were evaluated for chronic constipation , are reported in this study together with the longterm outcome in 90 of them .
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