Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That a measure apparently so contrary to noble interests was carried through has encouraged the view that , in the hands of a determined tsar , the Russian State was able to ride roughshod over every class .
2 She did n't feel safe until she was once more in her room , and even then , with Travis possibly so close , it was a very precarious form of safety .
3 Later on , when wafts of sulphurous fumes from the volcano still so frequent that their chariots were constantly on the move , despite having their wheels chocked with stones .
4 West of the village in Lathkilldale are remains of the lead-mining industry once so important in the Peak District .
5 Mm , cos mum had Reverend come round , you see cos dad were n't , none of us were religious least of all dad , he could n't do none of it , so we said to , we did n't , we did n't know what vicar to choose cos none of us go to church so me mum said dad used to go to the church where me sister got married to the little Derby and Jones twice a week and Reverend is always there so mum said we 'll have him , dad got on well with him , he liked him , he knew dad , anyway he come round to see mum and I were n't there cos I had to go and sign on , I bloody wished I had been , anyway she said , she told him all about dad and she said I want you tell everybody how brave he was in the war and what a good father he were and a good provider and how he lived for his grandchildren and so on and so on , she said I do n't want no hymns I just want his own organ music all through the service and nothing else and just some , do a couple of prayers , she , so he said right the Lords Prayer will be fine that 'll be nice , well he never said nothing , he said I did n't know John but he said I 've been told he was a good man , he worked in a hospital , which he did , but I mean you 're only like an engineer we were n't really emphasising on that and that was all he said , he played a bit of the organ music before we went in , a bit as we come out and there was about eight bloody prayers and the songs and everything read out and made us sing a hymn ever so disappointed , hardly said anything , hardly play , played his music , no , I was well disappointed about that
6 You might have to face anger and disgust from your children , though with divorce and family disruption now so commonplace , maybe they 'll just shrug with boredom .
7 Where through traffic can be diverted from ‘ environmental areas ’ to distributor roads already so busy that the additional vehicles go unnoticed , this approach can clearly produce net benefits .
8 He held her eyes as he said it , making her heart skid inside her , the touch of his gaze suddenly so soft , so caressing , that it suffused her entire body with a glow of sensuous pleasure .
9 Well I 'll be moving to mums ' for start anyway , put them in her garage , unless we get the keys ever so quick .
10 What makes the new round of work potentially so profitable is the scope it offers for experiment .
11 Time is running out for them , but , fortunately for the sectors involved , we will invest in them when we take office and will start to do the things that are being done in Europe which have made companies there so successful and so much more competitive than ourselves .
12 " Though many ( candidates ) may have ample material they mar their chances by solecism , malapropisms , dreadful spelling and grammatical errors sometimes so gross as to obscure meaning " .
13 The former welcomes the unexpected certainty that at last ‘ we shall all know what they are all learning in school ’ , while the latter sees entitlement as finally pinning down the right of every child , be their circumstances never so mean or deprived , to access to science , maths , modern languages , and so on .
14 In 1698 Celia Fiennes records in her ‘ Journeys ’ that she visited Windermere , but the object of the visit was not only to view the scenery but to taste the Windermere char , a fish already so famous that , for instance , James Graham of Levens Hall used to order his steward to send down potted char to London , where he presented some to Queen Anne .
15 What right did they have , that lot , getting you to think about how bloody life was , sitting in this poky flat with Ted always so tired he never played with Frieda or talked to herself and fell asleep straight after having it off .
16 LADY DAVERS : Child , prithee do us the favour of taking a turn or two across the room that we may arrive at some degree of certainty whether or no thou art the identical little Pammy formerly so famous for thy tarts and cheesecakes .
17 Was her falsity really so intact ?
18 The Miscarriage Association believes that one in three pregnancies end in miscarriage often so early that even the mother is not aware .
19 For those who wish to immerse themselves in our lovely landscapes , for 1992 we have a much expanded selection of country villas , castles and hotels of character , set in hidden away places often so obscure even we had trouble finding them !
20 Was strauss really so ineffectual in five years ' correspondence with Hofmannsthal about the opera ?
21 But is the distinction really so easy to make ?
22 A person apparently so eager to live life to the full she never left home without an adequate supply of vintage champagne to drink between engagements .
23 North Korea 's Prime Minister Yon Hyong Muk stepped across a border normally so secure that neither letters nor telephone calls are allowed through .
24 Joseph Frazer 's noted Ship Chandlery , one of many such businesses once so common in Butetown , has been adapted to house an exhibition which tells the fascinating story of the Port of Cardiff and the people who came here from all over the world to create a remarkable cosmopolitan community .
25 As in every case the recalcitrant MPs had been chosen from a list of several hundred aspirants by the very persons now so aggrieved , Patten was not inclined to give much weight to their judgement .
26 Buckmaster gave his public smile now so well-known from his pictures in the press .
27 Are things now so bad for Labour that glancing over the assembled new talent , one says ‘ Watch Netherthwaite , he could be a future leader of the opposition ’ ?
28 The unspoken subtext of Barley 's amusing odyssey in search of Raffles is this : was all western imperialism really so bad , and were not men like Raffles far better rulers than the exploiters , white and brown , who came before and after them ?
29 Moreover , were things quite so dreadful that such control needed to be exerted ?
30 Leopards are by no means always so ambitious in choosing their victims .
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