Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] at his " in BNC.

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1 He might have sat down with Pascoe and eaten the food and drunk the wine with her murder still at his fingertips .
2 And she called me later , and said , ‘ Excuse me , but I just talked to Fred and I told him the story , and he 's invited you to tea tomorrow at his house . ’
3 Then I release my left hand and swing the club hard at his face .
4 His other inventions included the Maxaman ventilator and resuscitator , a life support unit which allows the victim to breathe oxygen freely at his own rhythm but acts automatically in the case of respiratory failure .
5 He watched one of last year 's American purchases Celestial Key storm home at his local Pontefract track yesterday and his trips have paid off many times in the past .
6 We used to go across there and we used to go and the hacking away at his .
7 Stair saw his brother and came forward to greet him , Havvie still at his side , his wife picking up and putting things down as though they were contaminated — she had not married Havvie in order to slum it , as she later said .
8 Weeks later at his trial such a person not infrequently produces an explanation of , or a defence to , the charge the truthfulness of which the police have had no chance to check .
9 As the oriental lunged for him , one hand shot out aiming a lethal spear-hand nukite blow straight at his windpipe .
10 The Gnostic teacher , Cerinthus , was active in Asia Minor at the time when John wrote , and he taught that the heavenly Christ came upon the human Jesus only at his baptism , and left him before his passion : the union between them only seemed to be real -actually it was merely temporary .
11 Then the ‘ Observer ’ correspondent rose and fired four questions rapidly at his most sensitive spot — his attitude to black majority rule .
12 Douglas Mawson , the Australian explorer , who discovered the South Magnetic Pole , left some provisions behind at his base camp which were found be another expedition in 1927 .
13 The elation he 'd felt the day before at his own breathtaking adventure with the Moi girl now also seemed suddenly shameful to him , and he began to wonder if his exaggerated pride in the deed had n't been the direct cause of the danger in which he and his mother had suddenly found themselves on the plain .
14 His had been an isolated and lonely existence , despite the people perpetually at his side .
15 And she took a breath sharply at his directness , and shook her head in fright .
16 More recently , the appointment of Vial has been attributed to the influence of Granville Penn , who seems to have taken the Frenchman uncritically at his own valuation .
17 Of particular interest here are the minority of notably active older people , like the man whose ‘ great hobby is making toys for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren ; ’ or the amateur painter always at his easel ‘ if the light is good enough ; ’ or the old sailor , disabled for fifty years , yet ‘ a very contented old man ’ , who spent his time cooking , cleaning , and reading ‘ either novels or the newspaper . ’
18 Rideout faces a three-match ban after catching Peacock right in front of referee Gerald Ashby , who earlier applied the letter of the law when Southall instinctively grabbed a backpass straight at his midriff whilestanding a yard outside his area .
19 The couple spent Christmas together at his mother 's home on the Caribbean island of Mustique .
20 As the weeks passed she became accustomed to seeing Luke already at his desk when she arrived , immaculately suited , his dark head , with that one dramatic streak of white hair , perfectly groomed , his long , square-tipped fingers idly toying with a gold fountain-pen as he frowned over his mail .
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