Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] that their " in BNC.

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1 Though the unit had long since given up any pretence of cooling the room , it did turn out to have a curious talent for magnifying the pigeons ' footfalls so that their tap dance rang out like a drum-roll at six every morning .
2 In no time senators were renaming themselves with longer and longer titles so that their seconds should be bigger than everyone else 's .
3 In parts of Provence , though , farmers still keep green tree frogs under glass bells so that their croaking can warn of rain , and many people keep a piece of dried seaweed , claiming that it is as accurate as the human meteorologist 's forecast .
4 To hasten this process , Bakewell rented out his bulls so that their performance was proven elsewhere before he used them in his own herd .
5 It seems clear that what has happened here is that Johnson has forgotten about the problem of finding ways of making meaning plain and has shifted to a different lexicographical problem , namely how to provide an exhaustive definition of words so that their entire meaning is made explicit .
6 Secondary schools are also keen to establish positive relationships with neighbouring primary schools so that their school becomes the automatic choice of child and parent for the next phase of education .
7 Then there was what might be-called " fire-insurance Jacobitism " : in the 1690s a number of leading politicians — amongst them Tories such as Marlborough and Godolphin and Whigs such as Shrewsbury and Edward Russell — thought it wise to maintain some contact with the exiled Stuarts so that their own political security would be guaranteed should there be another Stuart restoration .
8 Soon PostScript ( and one of its rivals , called TrueType , which is the brain-child of Apple and Microsoft , two suppliers to the personal-computer market ) will be added to the nuts and bolts of computers so that their screens accurately display the page about to be printed .
9 Not for the normal reasons : that they 're failed creators ( they usually are n't ; they may be failed critics , but that 's another matter ) ; or that they 're by nature carping , jealous and vain ( they usually are n't ; if anything , they might better be accused of over-generosity , of upgrading the second-rate so that their own fine discriminations thereby appear the rarer ) .
10 More importantly , through good fortune and good management — as they played out their ‘ games against nature ’ : Gould ( 1963 ) — some cultures were able to control their environments sufficiently that their level of living far surpassed that needed for simple subsistence — even though not all survived .
11 In truth he did not want to go , for he was tired and saddle-sore , but this day the allies needed accurate news of the enemy so that their response could be certain , fast and lethal .
12 In the high-angled sun the feet of some reflected the light so that their breasts appeared red too .
13 I think the solution is certainly to breed animals in zoos but , if it is done , a great deal of effort must be made to ensure the conditions in which the animals are kept are good , and there are some zoos now which are successful in keeping animals so that their welfare is good .
14 In this form he would hover over the battlefield , dipping down to engulf enemy troopers , to consume those like fat in a furnace so that their smoke would rise up as incense into Dorn 's amber nostrils and by way of that conduit across time and space — beyond mortality itself — into the God-Emperor 's seared olfactory lobes so that the Divine Person would pause for a microsecond in his eternal scrutiny of the cosmos from his golden throne and would exclaim inwardly , ‘ What sweet fragrance is that ?
15 Anxious that nothing should disturb her aunt , Alexandra had the hens moved to a small paddock the far side of the stables so that their greedy shouting for breakfast could not be heard in the house .
16 At Luxor the cruise ships often lie four or more deep at their moorings so that their passengers ' view can be of the side of the next ship instead of the river and the Theban hills , and the desert air is replaced by their neighbours ' diesel exhaust .
17 Tomorrow night we move away from the Chilean coast and travel 13,500ft up into the Bolivian Andes , where Oxfam is helping the indigenous Indian people who are struggling to make a living now that their mines have closed down and their farmland been destroyed by drought .
18 Here , in the clearest indication yet that their marriage is over , Charles froze his wife out of official duties planned for them both .
19 He was kissing her hungrily , then he lifted her off her feet and carried her to the water 's edge , resting her on the sand so that their bodies could feel the gentle ebb and fall of the sea against them .
20 The Ministers in this scandal should be ordered to appear before a Commons committee so that their actions , and those of the Government , can be properly examined .
21 is the problem of soil erosion perceived to be important enough for them to unite on this issue so that their combined power leads to a coherent response ?
22 Heads of Department and staff were also asked to use the International Reading Association check list in relation to the most popular texts so that their responses could subsequently be checked with mine ( see appendix 2 for check list and annotation ) .
23 They do n't only help to sponsor Sky 's TV Soccer but close down a factory and various assembly lines so that their workers will have time to watch !
24 Party leaders should consider taking the major drug companies into public ownership so that their products were developed on the basis of need rather than profit .
25 Are the parent birds really putting themselves at risk for their offspring , laying down their own lives so that their young may live ?
26 Parents need help with their own lives so that their children do n't suffer from the unemployment and homelessness that contribute to ill health and an unsafe living environment that too many children have to live with today .
27 She wanted to say it was only a joke , about boiling oil , but they had arrived at a building with several steps leading up and told to get into single file so that their names could be checked at the door .
28 With this new configuration the acoustic centres of midrange and tweeter are at the same point so that their phase relationships have an exact match .
29 Set them singly into 3in ( 8cm ) pots of gritty loam , peat or coconut fibre potting compost so that their seed leaves are about in ( 12mm ) above the compost 's surface .
30 Plant tubers in a 6in tray of moist potting compost so that their tops are just covered .
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