Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 At the time of the June 1983 general election , with Geoffrey Howe widely believed to be destined for transfer to the Foreign Office , the financial strategy unveiled in his first budget of June 1979 was being quietly buried .
2 Whilst this section is confined in its application to acts expressly authorised to be done on behalf of a firm , the general law of agency will continue to attach liability to the firm for the unauthorised acts of its employees when those acts are within the course of their normal or apparent activities for the firm .
3 The Guardian disclosed in July that the Ministry of Agriculture secretly agreed to an investigation as soon as the US findings were known .
4 Almost as many again would be returned to local authorities bitterly opposed to opting out .
5 It ‘ does not offer any one way to the truth but helps people find the disciplines most suited to them ’ .
6 The depressing facts of the matter are that in those sectors still covered by the councils , areas like shops and catering and laundries , security and administration , people are already working punishing shifts for pittances because their employers know the chances of being caught dispensing illegal hourly rates are minimal as are the resultant fines in those few cases successfully brought to prosecution .
7 ‘ Master Parry , ’ said the prince , innocent of his offences as of the benefits that spoke loudest for him , ‘ we will make it our business to see this money duly paid to you .
8 In the centre of Cardigan an earth mover used to try to reach a trapped mother and child overturned , and the occupiers eventually scrambled to safety .
9 Performances of Brahms 's piano sonatas tend to be either vigorous or spacious , the one approach emphasizing the impetuous element in this music written before he was 21 , and the other reminding us that even the young Brahms was a dour northerner much given to self-doubt .
10 Sweden has gone anti-nuclear in its power-generating policy and consequently vast hydro-power stations have been built in the northern lake areas for reasons better known to themselves , the Swedes made no provision for salmon runs so the huge lakes are now devoid of fish and the Lapps have left .
11 Soviet spokesmen could argue that although the USSR had for decades proselytised the notion of a national liberation or solidarity ‘ front ’ of Third World states , aligned at least politically to the Soviet bloc , it had not created regional groupings or coalitions of states militarily tied to the USSR or the Warsaw Pact and it had supported the opposition of the non-aligned states to military blocs .
12 Terrestrial birds highly adapted to climbing about trees , extracting insect prey from their bark and rotten wood , and also excavating nest holes : tail stiff ( except in Wryneck ) , to act as support against vertical surfaces , with zygodactyl feet ( two toes pointing forwards , two backwards ) but one toe vestigial ; legs short , bill stout ( except Wryneck ) , and tongue very long .
13 Hattie Jacques was the matron , a part so suited to her size and manner that the very occupation of hospital head nurse might have been created for her , let alone the role in ‘ Carry On ’ films .
14 Two religious groups swiftly manoeuvred to the front of the pack : the Roman Catholic church , led by Cardinal John O'Connor , and the Christian Coalition , a group of fundamentalists loyal to Pat Robertson .
15 By these devices through traffic would be deflected onto high-capacity ‘ primary distributor ’ roads better suited to higher speeds , so that safety and environmental improvements would take place in the residential areas .
16 In general , safety and environmental benefits are sought in the living areas and through traffic is deflected on to those roads better suited to its needs for speed and high capacity .
17 When the last group had backed from the emperor 's presence , the chant of the court musicians suddenly changed to a faster rhythm and the gateways filled immediately , to Joseph 's astonishment , with the gray , swaying bulk of elephants .
18 One of the techniques to be tried out in the study is the value of using grid square mapping of the attractions in the urban areas , a technique hitherto applied to extensive resource assessment .
19 Similarly , it was announced that from Nov. 1 encouragement would be given to the private development and management of industrial estates , activities hitherto restricted to state agencies .
20 It is not a political issue about women sharing a function hitherto assigned to men .
21 Higher production , higher oil prices and increased interest income all contributed to this improvement in performance .
22 But at the work-place the pursuit of profit allows him no time to be distracted with personal pursuits better attended to elsewhere .
23 Another effect of ACE was to take jobs from others in full-time employment because , for the above reasons , employers naturally turned to ACE if they could get away with it .
24 There does not remain within the artist hidden meanings only known to himself .
25 The statement of reasons merely referred to the current situation of the world market in fuel and declared that regard had been had to the bids received .
26 Quilted or ostentatiously functional — the Swiss army penknife of the trouser kingdom — with a thousand pockets , clips , keyrings and a thing for getting stuff out of horses hooves all attached to the waistband .
27 ( 2 ) Nothing in subsection ( 1 ) above shall prohibit or restrict : ( a ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor in any premises at any time within fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if such liquor was supplied in those premises during the permitted hours ; ( b ) the taking of alcoholic liquor from any premises within fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if such liquor was supplied in those premises during the permitted hours and was not supplied or taken away in an open vessel ; ( c ) the sale or supply to , or consumption by , any person of alcoholic liquor in any premises where he is residing ; ( d ) the taking of alcoholic liquor from any premises by a person residing there ; ( e ) the supply of alcoholic liquor , in any premises , for consumption on those premises , to any private friends of a person residing there who are bona fide entertained by , and at the expense of , that person , or the consumption by such friends of alcoholic liquor so supplied to them ; the ordering of alcoholic liquor to be consumed off the premises or the despatch by the vendor of liquor so ordered ; ( g ) the supply of alcoholic liquor for consumption on licensed premises to any private friends of the holder of the licence bona fide entertained by him at his own expense , or the consumption of alcoholic liquor by persons so supplied ; ( h ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor at a meal by any person at any time within half an hour after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if the liquor was supplied during the permitted hours and served at the same time as the meal and for consumption at the meal ; ( i ) the sale of alcoholic liquor to a trader for the purposes of his trade , or to a registered club for the purposes of the club ; or ( j ) the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor to any canteen in which the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor is carried on under the authority of the Secretary of State or to any authorised mess of members of Her Majesty 's naval , military or air forces .
28 However , the fact that the royal scholars had found conservative rather than revolutionary arguments to support their case only added to their appeal , and Henry read the Collectanea with interest and approval in the late summer of 1530 .
29 His hair naturally curled to his shoulders .
30 The fighting in Bosnia-Herzegovina , coupled with the forced expulsions of one ethnic group by another ( in particular of Moslems by Serb forces ) — a practice widely referred to as " ethnic cleansing " , precipitated a major increase in the numbers of people fleeing their homes in June and July .
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