Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb past] at " in BNC.

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1 But Dierdriu only smiled at him , and Fergus saw that it was the cruel , charming smile of her ancestors , who had lain with the wolves .
2 The Germans naturally excelled at a style developed by themselves ; most commonly this was a simplification of Gothic features .
3 In general , though , it was considered taboo — a place scientists should not tread — until the tide apparently turned at the 1986 international conference of human geneticists in Berlin , where participants openly discussed the possibilities .
4 I relished the moment during a rehearsal once when Mel Brooks suddenly boomed at the researcher , ‘ Judith — go to my dressing-room and put on that thing I bought you ! ’
5 Corbett secretly marvelled at the cool composure of his opponent .
6 Wordsworth explains how his own mind slowly arrived at maturity , how he dedicated himself to poetry , and how after being diverted by Cambridge , France and Godwinism , his imagination was restored , a vision of the eternal Mind granted to him on Snowdon ( Prelude 1805 , xiii , 1–119 ) and his poetic vocation assured .
7 When he came to look at the poem Miss Gilberd had intended to teach , Toby rather wondered at her judgement .
8 The oars dipped unhurriedly in the calm water , and when the boat eventually arrived at the shore there was a further infuriating delay before the procession formed up and began making its way round the harbour to Ballingolin .
9 Scott merely glared at the DI .
10 Jorge suddenly appeared at the door and Maggie did not wait to hear any answer ; she walked out of the room , scooping up her bag and swinging it over her shoulder , quite satisfied that this time Felipe de Santis had come off worst .
11 A police car finally arrived at the scene and officers spoke to the motorist .
12 These different roles played by the designs normally existed at a subconscious level , and different societies have attached more weight to one or the other .
13 Donna just stared at the box .
14 Instead , his dark eyes just looked at her with a haunting intentness as she ran away from him .
15 His mind usually stayed at the level of gossip and anecdote but not always .
16 No lover ever looked at me so tenderly , she thought .
17 Corbett quickly looked at Ranulf , who sat as if carved from stone , transfixed by their rapid questions like a spectator at some skilful sword fight .
18 B. T. Some of the inspectors always appeared at the wrong time .
19 It was not difficult for Lewis to find his way to the Kemps ' home in Cherwell Lodge , the ground-floor flat on the extreme right of the three-storey building , since it was the only window in the whole street , let alone the block of flats , wherein electric light still blazed at a quarter to one that morning .
20 RIGHT Part of an ivory plaque dating to the 8th–9th centuries BC found at Nimrud in Iraq .
21 Although the main body of the hurricane had moved north , vicious squalls still tore at the mountainside , flaying the incessant downpour into giant whips of solid water that lashed across the meadow .
22 The infusion usually started at 800 am at which time water was removed .
23 Walker always looked at home until his move to Italy sapped his self-belief and left the normally swift-heeled defender looking as if he had feet of clay .
24 But I depressed his chest with my palms every three seconds In the old-fashioned way , willing the dog to breathe as the eyes still stared at nothing .
25 More ominously , the well-dressed young stranger always appeared at the tavern around the same time the mysterious woman and her page were about to leave .
26 Behind his thick spectacles , his eyes positively blazed at the sight of a completed chart just waiting to have lines drawn on it , and he was always very quick off the mark with his instant weather forecasts whenever any aircrews were planning a jaunt somewhere .
27 Occupation outside the main fort at Ilchester clearly began at an early date and probably included native elements .
28 Countess Spencer often stayed at Park House while Ruth , Lady Fermoy taught the children card games .
29 Her friendship with Antonia apart , she had always been something of a loner and her peers now looked at her slightly askance .
30 It was estimated , following preliminary results of the congressional elections , that the Peronists now controlled at least 120 of the 254 seats in the Chamber of Deputies , a position strengthened further by their alliance with centre-right parties .
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