Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [to-vb] an " in BNC.

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1 Robyn could barely think , let alone string coherent words together to form an answer .
2 As You Like It is also very British — it mixes ages and accents and acting styles enough to suggest an island-full of people falling in and out of love , or at least bumping into each other .
3 She went from Lambeth Pier to Chelsea Harbour yesterday to visit an exhibition by the Royal Society of British Sculptors .
4 Many have left their husbands behind to face an uncertain future , and some have arrived here with few belongings , little money and no accommodation .
5 His followers sold out the Hammersmith Odeon before any major label knew who he was , and more recently , when he appeared on the black talent show The 291 Club simply to present an award , he received the kind of reception you 'd expect for the ghost of Marvin Gaye .
6 We raced and splashed and it was quite easy and natural during one of these rowdy skirmishes simply to slip an arm through the water and put it around her waist .
7 From a questionnaire given to parents the reported duration of hearing loss preoperatively was added to the three months of observation and to the duration of the condition postoperatively to give an overall estimate .
8 The Soviet side had initially responded with a counterproposal involving ceilings for both sides of either 225,000 or 195,000 troops for Europe as a whole ( thereby calling on the United States either to accept an imbalance of 30,000 troops in Central Europe or to withdraw some or all its forces from the other countries ) , but accepted the original proposal after the US side had rejected this alternative formula .
9 If the skull is noticeably thin and light , it may well be an immature specimen , though it is difficult from thickness alone to give an accurate age .
10 The talks between Electronic Data Systems Corp and British Telecommunications Plc about a possible alliance have cooled , the Wall Street Journal believes : rather surprisingly , the paper says that British Telecom had been considering buying 25% of General Motors Corp 's Class E shares , which simply pay dividends tied to the computer services subsidiary 's performance ; it had been assumed that British Telecom would not be interested in holding a significant minority interest in an automaker just to cement an alliance with one of its subsidiaries .
11 Labour will set up a Human Rights Division in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , and require all Britain 's diplomatic posts abroad to appoint an officer to monitor human rights .
12 Irrespective of which method is used , full details of the sub-contractor 's background , including employment history , should be obtained by a requirement either to complete an application form or to attend an interview .
13 Having read ( and heard ) so much about Delhi marriages , I was pleased at the very end of February actually to receive an invitation to one under the door .
14 Earlier , Mr Waldegrave had said that ‘ We could not , of course , allow the Russians arbitrarily to exclude an expert in a key area of human rights from our delegation …
15 Outer London authorities were mostly likely to report a decrease in allocation of money : only Wales and Northern Ireland uniformly reported no decreases , while Northern Ireland authorities were the only group uniformly to report an increase in expenditure .
16 Confronted by a more formal , corporate approach to the business , Laura retreated to the outer circle only to launch an attack on the inner circle .
17 I knew there was only the one slice left , but I 've never been the sort deliberately to starve an animal to death , so in it went .
18 Mr Li used the normally staid platform of the National People 's Congress in Beijing yesterday to make an unprecedented attack on the colony 's governor , Chris Patten , who last Friday published proposed democracy laws when China refused talks or negotiations .
19 If Donald Rose was the father , he was no longer around to become involved in his son 's upbringing , and even June , masquerading as the sister , left home four years later to become an Earl Carroll showgirl in Miami .
20 He was appointed surgeon dentist to the Royal Public dispensary ( 1857 ) , but resigned two years later to establish an institution devoted to dental treatment , the Edinburgh Dental Dispensary , which opened in 1860 .
21 But they offered a very tempting fee simply to transport an art object , a sculpture , which they 'd bought as a centrepiece for a planetary arts festival they were staging .
22 Despite these manifold advantages it is often hard to persuade the commercial community even to take an interest in proposals for harmonization affecting their sphere of business , still less to give the proposals their support .
23 ‘ With all this background work on which to draw , I decided two years ago to mount an experimental project which would define the difference between nature and nurture .
24 Falls in the price of oil had provoked the government four years previously to impose an austerity programme .
25 Wrong , of course , but we were all so engrossed in this life that it was not possible until years afterwards to take an objective view .
26 Mr Calvert , whose home backs on to the churchyard and is just 100ft from the bell tower , was at Exeter County Court yesterday to seek an injunction restricting bell ringing to church services .
27 ‘ And do n't they have rooms enough to house an army ? ’ she demanded just as though he was about to deny it .
28 It was like the scene where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid start to rob yet another ‘ easy ’ train only to find an armed and mounted posse leaping out of a carriage .
29 For the remaining 80% of winters , it is unlikely that doubling of CO 2 will suppress the occurrence of a stratospheric warming sufficiently to produce an Arctic ozone hole , although even in these conditions ozone depletion could be enhanced .
30 Efforts to stain paper artificially to give an appearance of age have little hope of withstanding careful scrutiny .
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