Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 The American literature rarely speaks of ‘ conflict ’ but it does reveal a certain ‘ tension ’ within the relationship .
2 They either operate through independent organisations or , as is becoming increasingly the case today , are based in a local church , which anchors them , provides a support team , and keeps them in close touch with the need for post-evangelistic care and of the difficulty widely experienced of integrating the convert into the life of the local church .
3 Her teaching mostly consisted of falling asleep while we children fought each other , but Mr Wopsle 's young cousin , Biddy , tried to keep us under control and teach us to read , write and count .
4 Her face was calm and benign , always in company , and usually alone too , for she was aware that to play such a part properly allowed of no rest periods , no weak moments of unmasking .
5 Harvey suddenly thought of something else .
6 Which I do n't think mum entirely approved of cos she
7 ‘ Sometimes employers only think of workplace nurseries and are put off by the expense .
8 Baden-Powell warmly approved of Casson 's ideas , and he quoted large chunks of them in his writings .
9 What they have grasped is that the other is a dubiously soft touch who knows she 's been lucky so far and feels guilt-ridden enough to want to put something back into the public melting pot which has been kind enough to approve of her .
10 Newton only learnt of the charge on Monday , two days before the county appeared in front of the TCCB .
11 British concerns do not of course merely consist of such generalities .
12 Bucephalus eventually died of wounds at thirty years of age , in 326 BC , following Alexander 's war with the Indian king , Porus .
13 Some sick part of my mind suddenly thought of fried eggs lying thick with grease on a plate , surrounded with bacon , curled and scooped and holding little pools of fat , the outsides of the plate dotted with coagulated lumps Gf grease .
14 The images together speak of the losses within language incurred through the passages of migration — losses accrued through violation , silence and often subtlety .
15 Spenser obviously approved of Grey 's measures .
16 Nitzer Ebb especially think of life as one long siege , a purifying test of your inner strength .
17 However , those in charge of the employers ' side soon learnt of this , and special trains were engaged , with all the doors of the carriages locked .
18 The second characteristic of the type of statements given above is that they are stereotyped : the social argument against rural primary school closure generally consists of some or all of the following assertions :
19 And following N C V O recent reorganisation , the policy development department broadly consists of the following .
20 Despite the strengths already outlined of using intermediaries , some companies find that selling direct from the home country to overseas markets offers more advantages .
21 The sessions largely consisted of assurances from DEC of its continued commitment to the OSF/1 operating system on the MIPS line , in the face of surprisingly strong customer reaction to the news of DEC 's recent pronouncements that it would only offer OSF/1 for Alpha ( UX No 386 ) .
22 In this case , what started out as a sideline soon became of major importance .
23 The spontaneity of metaphoric innovation in the speech of the professor 's children leads her to the revelation that words once thought of as ‘ the bare bones of language ’ are actually alive with flesh .
24 When the issue of international monetary reform had been seriously debated in 1972 the United States started from the position that ‘ the system should neither bar nor encourage official holdings of foreign exchange ’ , suggesting that ‘ the United States still thought of the SDR as providing a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar ’ ( Williamson , 1977 , p. 176 ) .
25 Is it necessary to show that the defendant subjectively knew of the dishonest design or merely that he ought to have known ?
26 He kept the windows open because the car still smelled of Arabella 's perfume .
27 Cecil Beaton once declared of her :
28 Figure 8.5 Courtship usually consists of a recognizable sequence of male and female activities , ending in mating .
29 Fatal Attraction actress Close said of George Bush 's campaign : ‘ How dare they talk about a kinder and gentler nation .
30 That was the last photograph ever taken of Simon and it was Bert 's most precious possession .
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