Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er no I 'll give it a miss right now thankyou .
2 As long as your amp is high enough to support your guitar properly then GuitaRest does exactly the same job as a guitar stand — except that it 's neater , lighter , takes up less space , costs less than most and also incorporates a recess to accommodate your armoury of assorted plectra .
3 You do mean women in red suits presumably not men in red ties !
4 Working Title : the story so far World Premiere : UB40 : A Family Affair
6 Its member states had joined for diverse reasons , and of the regional states perhaps only Thailand took the Pact seriously .
7 Although Iraq 's losses are harder to assess , there is no doubt that the American-led coalition has dumped a huge tonnage of bombs inside both Iraq and Kuwait .
8 Now he spends his days writing his memoirs 60,000 words so far gardening and reading the Daily Telegraph to see what the enemy says ’ .
9 Far better that workers adopt an ‘ I ’ m all right Jack ’ mentality coupled with the chance to make a bit on the side than that they go on strike and make demands for higher wages in their main jobs .
10 Thus the process of ordering a library consists of several iterative stages of filtering out clones which connected pairs of probes less then n times .
11 Whatever , Mesmerised is a really pretty , catchy perhaps even poppy , little tune .
12 In the result only about £ half million , including his own gift , was received .
13 The pattern at sea level shown in Figure 2 also persisted in the upper atmosphere , with a high pressure ridge helping to steer cyclones along trajectories much further south than usual .
14 This means a figure somewhat below $2.00/bbl , which may be compared with discounts available the previous year for Iranian Heavy of 80–85 cents/bbl .
15 Consequently he wants Durham County Council to divert some of the £243,000 earmarked for church schools elsewhere so building work can start in his Darlington constituency in April .
16 and do n't forget first news of the football … on goals extra tomorrow teatime … our next sport takes us to Kingsholm in Gloucester and its curtain up for this week 's rugby review
17 there 're no games this weekend for Hereford United or Gloucester rugby club … all the action 's on Central … there 's Goals Extra tomorrow teatime … the live match on Sunday afternoon …
18 First news of Saturday football comes in Goals Extra tomorrow tea time … the Central live match on Sunday is Birmingham against Wolves … there 's plenty of other things going on … here 's a taster in our Action Roundup
19 and do n't forget first football action is on Goals Extra tomorrow tea time … the action now comes from as many as x different sports … its round-up time
20 First football news on goals extra tomorrow tea-time … now its time for rugby news in our weekly review …
21 The football action on Central this weekend there 's goals extra tomorrow tea-time and then the Central match live Derby v Swindon on Sunday … what else is going on here 's our action round up …
22 first action on Goals Extra tomorrow tea-time … the live game on sunday comes from Filbert Street … it 's Leicester against Peterborough … we 're off to the rugby next … the big local game tomorrow is at Kingsholm … its Gloucester against Bristol …
23 first pictures of the action on Goals Extra tomorrow tea-time … the Central LIVE Match …
24 Have you got band practice tonight then Dan ?
25 Continental style breakfast from any cafe just over £1 ; try yoghurt and honey too .
26 MINERS who have gone without pay for seven weeks to ease the cash-flow problems of their consortium at Monktonhall colliery were given a huge confidence boost yesterday when ScottishPower announced a five-year contract to buy coal .
27 Show how the rate of interest could still rise to r 2 and investment still only fall to I 2 if this curve were to shift .
28 And remember , we did all the dictionary words yesterday well Simmone has got some with pictures in .
29 MOVES to set up a national watchdog to monitor the integrity and accuracy of government statistics gained momentum yesterday when plans were announced for a meeting to draw up firm proposals , writes Rosie Waterhouse .
30 INDUSTRIAL stalemate continued at Timex in Dundee yesterday when management refused to accept a back-to-work offer from the striking workforce .
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