Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] as [conj] " in BNC.

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1 His dark hair was thinning on top , but he had bushy side whiskers as if it had all slipped downwards , and his chin was a dimpled mound seeming to support an ever-smiling mouth .
2 She prowled among the desks and glowered at the action boards as if they were a bunch of football hooligans .
3 Charlie assumed that he must fall with every pace he took , as he watched the lieutenant treat the German wire as just another hurdle , before running on towards the enemy trenches as if they were the finishing line in some race being held at his public school .
4 If the directors are authorised generally they may also be given power , by the articles or by the resolution , to allot equity securities as if section 89(1) did not apply or applied with such modifications as the directors determined .
5 ‘ I object to the way you 've dressed like someone from the pages of a Dickensian workhouse and turned up with your belongings in carrier bags as if you 're on your way to the laundromat . ’
6 Unhappy with that , but incapable of protesting , Meredith helped the boatman to stow away her cheap carrier bags as if they were precious .
7 Although some horses will travel in horse trailers as if it is second nature to them , even without having any previous related experience ; and some horses will stand perfectly and quietly for the farrier when they are being shod for the first time ; many will not !
8 Yet every leading member of the Government and the Opposition talks as if we were merely bankers .
9 A covenant prohibiting alterations has effect in relation to the installation and running of telecommunication systems as if it were a covenant not to alter without the landlord 's consent such consent not to be unreasonably withheld ( Telecommunications Act 1984 , s96 ) .
10 Although most agency workers are taxed and pay social security contributions as if they were dependent employees , and most think of themselves as an employee of the agency for which they work , the relationship between them and these agencies has been deemed not to be one of employment .
11 Sometimes men in mackintoshes stared in at the bookshop windows as if building up to a flash .
12 It really wo n't do to talk airily about businessmen and business women as if emergency pools of these super-executives exist all over the country , ready to plug the numerous gaps left by the incompetence of Noddy and know-nothing councils that are councillors and magistrates .
13 A shiver of eager excitement surged through his loins and into his breast , contracting his chest muscles as if he were about to suffer a heart attack .
14 A Scottish Office official responded that the list of potential sites had been published and local authorities were being asked to deal with any development proposals as if they had already been designated as SPAs .
15 ( As we shall see when we come to consider speech acts in Chapter 5- these kinds of inferences are often talked about as felicity conditions as if they had no connection to implicature at all . )
16 However , Feargal Quinn makes a valid point when he argues that to talk about farm-based commodity production and the factory based processing to meet consumer demands as if they are one industry is a misleading simplification .
17 A shard of steel plate knifed through Golden Girl 's mainsail , cutting the portside shrouds as if they were string .
18 But at the same time , several classic developmental studies have reported apparent violations of Contrast : at some stage of language acquisition , children appear to treat certain word pairs as if both terms had the same meaning .
19 But the amounts the Poles spent were dwarfed by the way the Nazis used state funds as if they were from the Nazi Party cash box .
20 People get a very negative attitude , they think that these , like there was a caller recently that sort of equated nationalism with er , with you know Nazis and , that 's completely wrong , I mean , but , and , and , you 're all in the news you 're always hearing about the radical nationalist deputies as if they 're some sort of strange breed of person , but in fact they 're just like the MPs in our House of Commons , democratically elected people , sensible people who want peace , they want prosperity for their country and er , there 's , there 's no mad empire imperial ambitions , Lithuania has no need for an army or anything , but er apart from just maintaining er internal er control , but er people have a very strange attitude a very anti nationalists , I find it curious .
21 We began our discussion of the policy-making process by considering the roles of parties and pressure groups as if they were on the outside looking in , so to speak .
22 But many kinds of bacteria in nature form elaborate colonies , often quite visible to the naked eye , in which different individuals perform different functions , so that the whole colony functions as if it were a single organism .
23 He frightened train crews who saw him walking aimlessly on the railway tracks as if he were a real person .
24 Secondly unease was caused by the continued manipulation of letter symbols as if they were positive integers in situations in which they clearly were not .
25 Lady Ursula Berowne sat immobile in her sitting room on the fourth floor of 62 Campden Hill Square and gazed out over the top boughs of the plane trees as if at some far distant unseeable vista .
26 If ss160 and 162 apply , their effect is to treat the " beneficial element " of the Newco shares as if it were an interest-free loan to the managers , and tax them under Schedule E on the " cash equivalent " of the beneficial loan , ie tax on notional interest charged at the official rate while the " loan " remains outstanding .
27 The tactic used by the Commission for passing the Single European Act was to present it to the member states as if it were the only thing on offer : either take this or leave the Community .
28 Hugh began , but Molly was already up and almost running down the stone steps as if she were hurrying towards some long-planned assignation .
29 She made strenuous efforts to tame her behaviour when she was indoors , never rattling her earrings during Mass , nor racing along the stone corridors as if they were open fields .
30 A few paces to the right Yuan was flexing arm and shoulder muscles as if to ease some strain or tension , and Rostov wondered if the assassins knew how fast a Manchu could move when the need arose .
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