Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] but [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I am normally wary of accepting claims made for a particular recording at the back of liner notes but when Chesky Records maintains that you can hear the difference in the sound quality of its discs , Chesky is by no means overstating the case .
2 With reference to figure 10.8(a) , application of Kirchhoff 's voltage law to the input circuit yields But and so the closed-loop gain is in accordance with equation ( 10.26 ) .
3 She had graduated from dancing to small parts at the Winter Gardens but because there was difficulty in getting money out of certain managements in Berlin , she was now a non-dancing Captain .
4 Capriati is one of a select band of prospects whose coaching is paid for by American tennis officials but whereas they felt the amount being offered was generous , Mr Capriati felt that Jennifer needed a consistency of guidance and coaching on an even more regular basis .
5 If you grew up in the Bill and Ben age then you might be a little confused by the exhuberance of the Sesame Street characters but if you 're under 30 , a long way under 30 , you 'll know Purple Honker , Telemonster , Elmo , Grover and Cookie Monster pretty well .
6 ‘ The key is not whether we give tax holidays but whether we provide an environment that allows companies to make a lot of profit .
7 I have used it for children 's jacquard sweaters but if you want to do this then knit the welt from * to * finishing at the left of the bed .
8 Until the regionalisation of local government in 1975 , the papingo trophy was on display in Kilwinning Town Chambers but when the local council ceased to exist , the piece of historic silverware was placed in safe-keeping to await the selection of a new home .
9 In A. G. v. Guardian Newspapers ( No. 2 ) ( H.L. , 1988 ) it was accepted that the Crown had a right to attempt to restrain disclosure of confidential information relating to the operation of the security services but that they must establish that the disclosure was in some way damaging to the public interest .
10 He has been no trouble with my two GSD bitches but while out walking , he flies at other dogs .
11 The House of Lords Select Committee understood the provision to relate to development plans but if it is implemented in the UK ( and this depends somewhat on MAFF taking an unusually enlightened view ) it could pave the way for farm development plans incorporating conservation and agricultural measures .
12 It is hoped that social scientists will not only be able to carry out with greater ease and rapidity those types of computation previously undertaken on mainframe computers but that they may also be able to take advantage of the machines ’ ability to handle graphical information .
13 A fee of one penny a week was initially charged to attend the night classes but after objections from the 18 to 20 year olds the teaching was provided gratuitously resulting in improved attendance with the " boys " advancing rapidly .
14 Basil would get very excited at finding tadpoles and caddis worms in the Hampstead ponds but though he once took to fishing in a small stream when we were on holiday , and actually caught a small fish , which Marion cooked for his tea , he was quite unable to eat it , being stricken with remorse at its demise .
15 RIVER DEE : High water levels but when normal , Chester end usually best early morning or during night for large roach and bread in Eccleston area .
16 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
17 He does n't normally work on Sunday evenings but if anyone does come — ’ She paused .
18 For example , we would often go on expeditions to Hay-on-Wye looking for French , nineteenth-century pattern books but if you found any yourself you could not possibly claim originality .
19 And then they were raked into Well we just er If they were dry they were raked into big swathes , to be near where you could build the tramp coles But if they were n't you would put them into little coles and the and then they were the little coles was put up t t together to make a bigger one .
20 The SDLP currently holds three Westminster seats but if Northern Ireland still had only 12 seats , the SDLP would have no MPs at all .
21 However , the threat of importation of the disease has returned , not only on a small scale relating to violation of quarantine regulations by dog owners but because the rabies virus has been spread throughout Europe into France ( UK 's nearest continental neighbour ) by the red fox and concern is rising too about rabies-infected bats in Europe .
22 You know , it 's alright in our manager levels but if you go higher than that then I mean they 're just useless !
23 So that you 've got football pitches there , with cricket pitches but if you wanted , if you were a golfer you went across to the golf course .
24 The effects of load torque and inertia are separated at the beginning of acceleration interval by allowing the motor to move several Steps with all phases unexcited ; a system with high load torque and low inertia decelerates but if the load torque is small and the inertia high the velocity remains substantially constant .
25 In other words it is the development of literate modes of communication that provides the basis for making a distinction between two kinds of society , and those modes themselves have determining effects : if some societies are more ‘ scientific ’ and ‘ logical ’ than others , it is not on account of the nature of their thought processes but because their acquisition of literacy has released these capacities .
26 Then you have a number of loan repayments , and you 're quite right , there is a , there is a ma an amount will be paid to Reed equivalent to , I E we 're not gon na pay them the interest for the capital receipts but when amount , we receive money we 're paying it on .
27 For just two-coloured stripes you can still work in regular row sections but if you have the purl side as the right side the stripes blur in a pleasant way and merge toning colours splendidly .
28 I would rather not have that on the subject reports but if it 's going to be on i for the sake of coherence the comments should be together .
29 He secured two admission tickets but when he arrived he found they were only good for the front doors where ‘ already hundreds were waiting ’ .
30 GRAHAM TAYLOR now not only believes he will take England to the World Cup finals but that the draw against Brazil shows what might be possible when they get there .
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