Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [vb base] know " in BNC.

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1 The move has been criticized by environmental organizations , which argue that the cars could be fitted with a converter because the cost , around £300 per car , is not prohibitive and that in any case manufacturers have known for some time when the law would come into effect .
2 Foxes and other hunting animals need to know how far to pounce to catch their prey .
3 Independent software vendors who have developer kits say knowing Windows programming makes migration relatively straight forward .
4 Neither Mr Tallon nor the families of the crash victims claim to know what occurred .
5 Some guides and camp managers claim to know safe swimming spots , others say the crocodiles know them too .
6 I really enjoyed experimenting with the Utopia , although I would argue that while one company 's products are undoubtedly the most compatible from the technical standpoint they might not be the best combination for sound — something hi-fi buffs have known for years .
7 It is to be hoped that the Guinness trial will show that the UK authorities do know just that .
8 We in the childrens services have known for two years that something more must be done and we must pay our staff more .
9 It 's in there because you ca n't have executive style cabinet government in local government unless you pay executive councillors executive salaries , it 's got nothing to do with the idea of you getting thirty five pounds rather than thirty three if we stay here all day erm I would just , I 'm really wisely advised to make one point er Mr er was c wondering why this did n't have majority support actually most of it did I think Mr will confirm that he and his colleagues were happy to support all of the proposed responses from A to J on page thirty and thirty one but were not happy with response B and I would like to er that erm that er when our responses do go forward it is made clear that apart from little paragraph B there was all party support because I really feel that our local authority associates need to know that and erm I hope that will be little B was er a piece that erm certainly I and my colleagues supported er , rather .
10 Most media professionals appear to know what is expected of them in their various organisations , each of which has different political backers , and the media product tends to be created accordingly .
11 Garden centre managers need to know that wildflower seeds have to be grown from native stock ; that highly ornate ‘ mock-Tudor ’ nest-boxes put nestlings ' lives at risk by attracting predators ; that the natural balance of a pond is not best served by chemical algicides ; that salted peanuts are a killer for birds ; that eco-friendly insecticides are a contradiction in terms ; and that wildflowers and buddleias are little help to wildlife if they 're grown in peat-based compost .
12 Each of the catechists must be in touch with their own life experience , and in particular the helper catechists need to know something of the life history of their friends so that a real historical event can be shared when it comes to the time for each one to share parts of their personal story — for that is where God speaks to each one of us .
13 In the later stages pupils need to know about the use of references , and in their own work should be encouraged to keep a record of the sources they have consulted .
14 Whose rev'rend Oaks have known a hundred Springs ;
15 The President of the USA and other world leaders demand to know what is going on and government scientists are urged to get to the bottom of this — and fast .
16 ’ One thing Tories do know is how many beans make five ’ .
17 Once a potential infill has been identified , by whatever means , preferably a Regional initiative , the first thing householders want to KNOW is ‘ what 'll it cost ? ’
18 Unit managers want to know how the business is faring , how they compare to the rest of the company and even the rest of the world .
19 Well , well the rest of the country are beginning to realise , what Leeds fans have known for three years .
20 Most market managers require to know what a trader is going to sell .
21 Language learners need to know both how and when to use them .
22 All that LIFESPAN users need to know is which code a new module is to be associated with .
23 With respect to the individual , foreign language teachers need to know how allegiance to a language is a significant trait in the individual 's personal identity both because this has implications for the degree of acceptance of the foreign language by the learner — whether he/she is a speaker of English only or other languages too — and because the foreign language teacher may well have an advisory role to play in his/her school concerning the place of language and languages in the curriculum in general .
24 If he means by knowledge an accumulation of inconsequential facts then of course she would agree with him , but one suspects that in his concern for ‘ things of the heart ’ he is turning his back on the curiosity men share to know the world of objects .
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