Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 As the controversy grew yesterday over the alleged Princess Diana love tapes , electronics experts told the Mirror just how easy it is to eavesdrop on mobile phones .
2 In our implementation , aggregation was achieved at run-time through masking out components of the primary key and assembling , using the Protocols language , the series of text objects meeting the criteria implied by the user 's current request .
3 Souvenir hunters revived the centuries-old tradition after a huge tanker washed up on the rocks below East Prawle , Devon .
4 In Chapter 12 will also be found a summary of the Accounts Rules regulating the handling by solicitors of clients ' and trust money and the obligation to pay interest on deposits .
5 Recent experience of walking Long Distance Footpaths ( LDPs ) has led me to believe that there is a case for de-emphasising certain routes ( I understand that the RA currently recommends Duke of Edinburgh Award Groups to avoid the Three Peaks for example ) .
6 Indeed the national income accounts measure the value of goods and services produced in the economy ( gross domestic product ) by both an income and an expenditure method .
7 In August the Moscow authorities restricted the sale to non-residents of scarce goods , following similar decisions in other cities .
8 ( 2 ) Will conflicts like the following restrict you ? ( a ) Conflicts of client interest ( the traditional conflicts ) : in many firms with mixed practices , the partners ' interest in maintaining work from insurers or corporate clients nearly always takes precedence over their interest in private plaintiffs .
9 Until recently , 1p coins topped the league when it came to money lost in or near telephone boxes .
10 However , delays may occur if the authorities have failed to make contingency plans to meet the change in circumstances , and consequently prolonged discussion may be necessary before a decision is made to use particular instruments in a certain way .
11 It includes communal workshops containing metal and woodworking equipment , and a training room with computer programmes to give the new-starter a grounding in marketing , book-keeping and business management .
12 These were the introduction of majority verdicts to avoid the necessity for new trials when juries could not reach unanimous verdicts , and the extension of firearms certificates to shotguns .
13 The country 's top airshow acts kept the crowd 's eyes glued to the skies .
14 While each race was launching or recovering , premiere airshow acts dazzled the crowd .
15 The staggering fact that 41% of the original researchers have not published papers relating to their original research should lead funding authorities to question the extent to which the research programmes which they sponsored were worthwhile undertaking in the first place .
16 The fact that 41% of the original researchers have not published papers relating to their original research could lead funding authorities to question the extent to which the research programmes which they sponsored were worthwhile undertaking in the first place .
17 The field notes describe the encounter thus :
18 The distinctions between the two cases are not convincing and the apparent conflict and the difficulties posed by causation in the medical negligence cases show the drawbacks of using the tort system as a method of compensating for personal injuries .
19 In 1971 Oleg Lyalin , a KGB officer working at the Russian trade mission in London , defected to MI6 and gave enough information about Russian espionage activities to justify the prime minister , Edward Heath , expelling an unprecedented 105 Russian diplomats from Britain .
20 The USD deputies boycotted the vote , in which Snezhana Botusharova of the UDF and Kadir Dzhalil Kadir of the MRF were elected deputy speakers .
21 Mrs Cairns was engaged on work of a secret nature ; the Official Secrets Acts preclude the giving of any information in connection with her duties .
22 Information obtained retrospectively from case notes is unreliable but generally the correspondence to be found in case notes showed the clinician 's reason for referring a patient and gave reliable clues to the prediction of the result .
23 The Hawthorne researchers stressed the pressure that groups can bring to bear on members to conform to common norms .
24 The company continues to look for expansion opportunities , especially in Great Yarmouth , where the scale of production support operations enhances the benefits of resource sharing , an area in which the company has a proven record .
25 Recognising his own inadequacy as a general , he appointed a succession of brilliant field commanders to lead the High Elf armies .
26 The course attempts to place the study of cultures in a British , European , and wider international perspective .
27 Blocked storm drains flood the streets .
28 Nowhere does this manifest itself more blatantly than in the way that the state , in most EEC countries , is allowed by EEC institutions to use the enterprises it owns or controls to act as vehicles for receiving and in some cases dispensing subsidies .
29 Branch roads linked the main mining centres , enabling the lead , silver , iron and copper products of the interior to be brought to the coast for export across the Adriatic or , in the case of the Serbian and north Bosnian mines , to be transported to the Danube .
30 The national curriculum proposals form the first part of the Education Reform Bill , which also contains proposals in relation to open enrolments , financial delegation to schools , the establishment of grant maintained schools and various proposals for higher education .
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