Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] just such " in BNC.

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1 Almost immediately , the Company Commander committed his third platoon , which had been kept in reserve for just such an eventuality .
2 Uptown , additional space comes from the Monitor Building , which has been cleared of offices , and from the new ten-storey Tower , designed by Charles Gwathmey and Robert Siegel and raised on foundations laid by the museum 's architect Frank Lloyd Wright for just such a purpose .
3 There is a photograph of just such a scene at Vicosa Station on the Alagoas section of the Great Western Railway of Brazil .
4 At first , the Zuwaitina canteen milk seemed to everyone concerned an instance of just such a letter-of-the-law possession , The realization that it was an issue of constitutional principle came slowly , when the Jordanian 's lawyer ( Abdulsalam Abdulhadi ) outlined his defence .
5 ’ His is a closely argued polemic and in it he cites The Machine Gunners as a classic instance of just such a book .
6 Yet the very specially acute sense of deprivation found in the shorter of the two versions to be examined here argues the recognition of the possibility of the presence of just such joy ; " absence is not non-existence , and we are therefore entitled to repeat , " " come , come , come , come : " " " and both Rolle 's meditations on the Passion are such powerful works precisely because he enacts a sense of the gap between the body of sin and the joy of God and a longing to close it through penitence and love .
7 This is the story of just such a dish .
8 The agreement and friendship between the two men was sealed when the Ukrainians insisted in the toasts being drunk in the special pepper vodka they had brought from home for just such an occasion .
9 Of course the thrust of the programme of molecular biology is to extend contemporary physics into biology in just such a way .
10 Left-wing partisans were later to refer to the establishment of the National Government on the following day as a ‘ bankers ’ ramp' : and here , it seems , is evidence of just such a conspiracy .
11 In higher education , we naturally believe that a fundamental aspect of the student 's programme of studies consists of getting the student on the inside of just such internal standards of reasoning in the discipline he or she is studying .
12 The inference which might be drawn from this analysis was that Eliot himself had conceived a homosexual passion for just such a young man and , when the article was reprinted four years after Eliot 's death , it was suggested to be Jean Verdenal , the Frenchman whom Eliot had met in Paris when he was a student there and to whom , after his death in the First World War , he dedicated Prufrock and Other Observations .
13 Can , for example , consciousness avoid being somehow enriched by a pervasive quality , which could not possibly have occurred except as a quality of just such a state of consciousness , when it becomes consciousness of a beautiful object , instead of consciousness of something else , or ‘ mere consciousness ’ ?
14 An example of just such an issue was provided by the controversial case of Bushell v.
15 This is an example of just such an abduction as the Convention was designed to combat .
16 Finally , Ann Sherman in an interesting journal article entitled ‘ Questions that those concerned with non-sexist art education should ask ’ , provides a very good example of just such a re-evaluation designed for use by art teachers .
17 And it is in terms of just such a co-existence of opposites that tragic myth arises .
18 And when Hampson brought the Leeds hooker , Colin Maskill , to the ground with just such a tackle he must have known that the rest of his season would be cut short .
19 This emergency centre in Oxford was set up to coordinate the response to just such an incident .
20 An independent manager would have been fighting on behalf of his artist for just such a concession ; but for a manager who owned the record company , that meant arguing against himself .
21 Members of just such an organisation , the European Communities , saw the Article as having special application to them .
22 I speak from embarrassed experience , having embarked under the nom-de-plume of Evelyn Hervey on just such a foolish enterprise , though I hope frenzied ingenuity will eventually wriggle me out of too much trouble .
23 At this point I had one of those Proustian flashbacks about just such a place which I seemed to have known in childhood .
24 Another part of the exhibition is a caseful of just such gifts , presumably dusted down from a very full royal attic : a Maori figure with crossed eyes , a table with cowrie shells hanging from it as from an Australian hat , a fetching Japanese lacquer picnic set and a sinister raffia figure wearing a balaclava .
25 The two questions on which referenda were held in Britain in the 1970s , joining the European Economic Community and creating some limited self-government in Scotland and Wales , are good examples of just such issues .
26 The latter had been redeployed there from Malta in July 1960 in anticipation of just such a crisis .
27 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
28 By chance there happened to be a 12 year-old MkII Boogie combo in the Guitarist studio with just such a loop .
29 The grief-stricken old man in blue of the St Rémy days sits head in hand on just such a shining chair by a fire with fragile flames .
30 She looked back over her three years at college , now slowly approaching their close , and she thought of all the people she had known and all the friends she had made , and it seemed to her that most of them had been aiming with varying degrees of accuracy at just such an effect .
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