Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The introduction of the ‘ Spaceman ’ programme , which allows retailers to computer-plan the optimum use of available display space , is a good example of the trade support expertise for which United Distillers is rapidly becoming known .
2 He wore old jeans , espadrilles and a torn blue T-shirt through which spilled a lot of black chest-hair .
3 Amphibious raiding along the Channel coast and elsewhere became a coordinated intelligence gathering operation in preparation for the opening of a Second Front by the invasion of Europe , plans for which entailed amphibious training for large armies , pre-empting men and equipment from possible large raids .
4 It was a hell of leaping flames through which darted black figures .
5 His ancestral village and its myths were three hundred years in the past , and the clear , blue waters of the bay were a sludge of industrial effluent through which thrashed the occasional blinded seabird .
6 Create the wordlist for which filtered definitions are required .
7 Inspired by Hensel 's construction , E Steinitz , in a 140 page paper in 1910 , undertook a classification of all fields , several apparently unrelated sorts of which had now come into existence .
8 At the same time , Eliot saw men and women , whether aware of it or not , as bound to the cycle of manifold yet meaningless ‘ Birth , and copulation , and death ’ , perception of which yielded only ‘ The horror ’ .
9 Only 14 per cent of their time was directed to ‘ community relations ’ , the bulk of which amounted to ‘ informal contacts ’ with members of the public ( p. 19 ) .
10 One was a £230,000 ‘ compensation for loss of office ’ , the bulk of which went to the former chief executive , Emmanuel Olympitis , who suddenly departed last month .
11 In 1958 and 1959 Uruguay sold 16 per cent of its wool exports to Communist countries , the bulk of which went to the Soviet Union .
12 The provision was designed to assist the government in assuaging widespread land-hunger by resettling some 110,000 peasant farmers on about 5,000,000 hectares of white-owned land , the bulk of which lay in the fertile maize and tobacco belt in the north-east of the country .
13 About forty-five minutes later three huge explosions went off in the Wilkerson house , the force of which blew Dustin 's $700 desk through a hole in the wall .
14 During his time as Colonial Secretary he had established the measured steps towards independence for all Britain 's dependent peoples , the speed of which depended on the current state of development in each territory .
15 Burns 's poetry and songs have played an important part in my life from the earliest years , not only because of their simple beauty , but also because of their directness , honesty , and wry , lop-sided , humour ; the appreciation of which stood me in good stead the last time I was in Mauchline .
16 It was anticipated , therefore , that the Premiers ' talks — three sessions of which had been held since September 1990 — would be resumed in April or May .
17 In June the FNTT , under the pressure of rising rural unemployment and employer intransigence , called an agricultural labourers ' strike , the swift collapse of which dealt a serious blow to the entire UGT .
18 Conran asked this manager to carry out a feasibility study , the result of which convinced him that Habitat should move into France , a country for which he has always had a great fondness .
19 His artistic career began with a series of paintings based on the thirteenth-century sculpture of the elegant countess of Uta on the façade of Naumburg cathedral , a photograph of which had been lent to him by the young artist Vlady , but in the late fifties he turned his attention to Spanish art .
20 The case was the latest episode in a long history of antagonism between the government and the Far Eastern Economic Review , the circulation of which had been severely restricted in Singapore .
21 The Asian Wall Street Journal , the circulation of which had been restricted in Singapore since 1987 [ see p. 35463 ] , halted all circulation in mid-October in protest at the new legislation .
22 The flight from womanhood was linked with the flight from failure , the fear of which had practically been bred into me .
23 This followed assurances that no authority seeking a redetermination should suffer a reduced spending level , fear of which had prevented any of the selected authorities from appealing in the first year of operation .
24 She had full view of the stage and of the three female impersonators , kicking up their legs in a dance , the rhythm of which had gone a little awry .
25 He had reaffirmed , he said , Pakistan 's long-established position that Kashmir was a disputed territory , the future of which had to be decided by a free plebiscite under UN supervision .
26 The meeting was also attended by leaders of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( DFLP ) , Jordanian supporters of which had established the Jordanian People 's Democratic Party ( JPDP ) in July 1989 .
27 While Pétain strove to reanimate the French Army , many units of which had mutinied after the collapse of Nivelle 's ill-judged offensive , Haig moved the weight of the BEF to Flanders to pursue his plan .
28 That it did not do so may in part be due to the late H.H. Mayberry , from Marshall County , Tennessee , who in the early 1880s paid a stranger from Nova Scotia $36 ( about $800 in today 's money ) for four of the goats on the strength of their ‘ strange fits or fainting spells , the like of which had never been seen before ’ .
29 Lord Scarman referred to violence and disorder ‘ the like of which had not previously been seen in this century in Britain ’ , while one Conservative MP summed up this orthodox reaction in a parliamentary debate ( on 13 April 1981 ) when he spoke of the riots as ‘ something new and sinister in our long national history ’ .
30 Then a wave formed , the like of which had not been seen at Pipeline that winter .
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